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taking the initiative

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I have a hard time taking the initiative with women and letting them know I am interested (or making it obvious that i am)...i'm frequently too cautious about being too forward...my current issue is this person i find attractive that i'll be working in a group with on a project...if i make my interest known, it may be counterproductive for the work...

Do you readers have any advice for me on how i can take initiative better? any insights to the female point of view? former experiences involving people you've had to work with....anything is appreciated...

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most women are passionate about something...try to find out her interests and if they are in some way interesting to you also you can have much more in-depth conversations. share your own passions with her also...so she knows more about you. and in the end...if you two dont share the same interests/values, etc then it wouldnt really be worth persuing anyywas right?

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