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Attracted or just friendly?


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Ok so i posted about this girl a few months ago. We've always got on incredibly well - lots of teasing, laughing, innocent touching, etc.


i only see her every few months really, but in the last few months have seen her several times.


The first time i bumped into her randomly. Was talking to her flatmate (who i have never met before) and her, and her flatmate said suddenly "sorry i dont even know your name.....ooooh are YOU John?"


Never met her before, and she knew my name, suggesting i'd cropped up in conversation?!


Second time i got into the pub, and the girl saw me and came running over and gave me a massive hug and kiss on the cheek again, and then kept her arms around me and was talking to me (and i obviously did the same) so we were kinda right up close talking to each other. The i went to get a drink and carried on talking with my friends...i glanced up and she was staring RIGHT at me....she saw me looking up, came running over again, and grabbed my hand and put her other arm round me again and started chatting. I didnt want to make a move that early in the night (she had been there a while) so i just got close and chatted again. 20 minutes later, and i glanced up again and she was looking right at me again...this time shouting for me to go meet her friends.


So i was still playing it pretty relaxed as i hadn't been there that long. Some other guy was paying her a lot of attention, she was pushing him away most of the time. Then she disappeared, and later on she reappears, and had got together with the guy ?!??!? Someone suggested that i had not been obvious enough and so she had figured i wasn't interested.


Fast forward to the weekend just gone, and pretty much the same stuff happens - she sees me, gives me a massive hug and a kiss, and then we stand there with our arms round each other and leaning right in whilst we talk....only now i have it on good authority that she is seeing how things go with the guy from the previous week, so i can't make any move.


I KNOW there is a great feeling between us, and i'm sure she must feel it too, but i can't figure out if she just feels it as friends (even though we hardly ever see each other)...


I've also seen her other male friends turn up and say hello to her and there is NONE of the hugging / kissing when they say hello....and none of the leaning right in / touching stuff when they talk!


Anyone got ANY idea what might be going on, or been in the same situation? I am so confused about it!!

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Goodness, how many more hints from her do you need!!!?? She is so clearly interested in you! She put her cards on the table so to speak, but from what you've said, you didn't reciprocate as much, so she figured you weren't interested. Who cares about this other guy she "maybe" got together with, GO FOR IT! LDR do work you know, and you seem to be seeing her a little more regularly now?

Keep me posted.

take care and good luck, Hk87

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well firstly its not a LDR - i just don't see her much because whilst we have mutual friends, we also have our own separate group of friends who we socialise with most of the time - so we generally are into different social scenes.


Secondly, whilst half of me realises she MUST be interested, the other half is telling me maybe she just loves the attention that she gets from me.

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whilst half of me realises she MUST be interested, the other half is telling me maybe she just loves the attention that she gets from me.


Alright . . . that could be true . She might , just like the attention . Now , you mentioned above that she does not hug , kiss , touch , lean right in etc with the other male friends she has .


Most girls that are interested in attention will try to get that attention from more than one guy (yes . . . it's a generalization , but I noticed it's true for the most part ) !


She does this to you because she wants YOUR attention , not someone elses . Now would you say she's the shy type of girl or is she more open and friendly with everyone ?


If she's the shy type then I believe she's interested in you .


But from the info you gave me above . It sounds like she's interested ( shy or not ) in you as MORE than a friend .








have you posted on this before ? Send us the URL to your previous posts .

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hi thanks for the replies...


Yes i posted about this girl before a LONG time ago now...between then and now i've gone for 2-3 months wthout seeing her, and have very casually dated other women. But its all come back to her again now!


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That's the old post...puts an interesting spin on things, because before she seemed to react negatively to my (albeit indirect) approaches.

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