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I'm in upper secondary school as some of you know. We had our gymnastics class at the local health club. We swam. In the changing room I found myself to might have been checking others out. I don't know if I did, it's all so confusing. I don't know with what intentions I was looking at others. I didn't feel or.... I don't think I felt aroused. I'm so confused. Sure I look at guys thinking they're cute (maybe wondering how the look without the cloths ) but there were naked. Sure I can say that in some cases I enjoyed the view but I don't want to seem like or be a pervert.


Am I perverted? Is it normal to feel this? Or am I just blowing things out of proportion. This was my first visit to that place since coming out to myself, since fully accepting what I am.

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I wouldn't put a label to it and call it perverted. I'd call it human nature.

Its human nature to look at others consciencely or unconsciencely. In your situation...you caught yourself consciencely comparing. When we catch ourselves people watching... we are comparing, contrasting, and catogorizing, unconsciencely. Its human nature to do so.


You said you were doing it and not getting a "rise" out of it. Nothing wrong with that. However, given your sexual orientation... and given that there is a general homophobic fear in the populous... I'd try to be more cirumspect in my perusal of locker room inhabitants. In other words... try to be more conscience of NOT doing it, and stay to task in the locker room.



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But there aren't any real norms about this and homosexuals (that I know of). When a man walks into a women's changing room it is expected that he will try to get a peak, but not when a man walk in to a men's changing room. Am I wrong?

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OK... lets just call it common courtesy. And try to control our "Base Natures"


Do you think that a male gynecologist is checking out female genitalia all day with thoughts of... WOW!!! WHAT A MUFFIN... and is telling his buddies during lunch time "Yo guys... you won't believe the women I had in a set of stirrups today."


No. I'm sure he's not. Nor is my female gynecologist who I know is a lesbian... checking me out for a potential partner. Its called being able to control your base nature and common courtesy.


If... you think that there is a problem with your perusal of the human body in the locker room. Then figure out a way to minimize making yourself and others uncomfortable. If changing somewhere else is not an option... then find a technique to employ to keep your HEAD busy and not in a fantasy world. From the moment you walk into the locker room to the time you leave... recite the multiplication tables in your head.


If you can't do that...then don't go into a locker room. Simple. Problem solved.

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Do you think that a male gynecologist is checking out female genitalia all day with thoughts of... WOW!!! WHAT A MUFFIN... and is telling his buddies during lunch time "Yo guys... you won't believe the women I had in a set of stirrups today."


No. I'm sure he's not. Nor is my female gynecologist who I know is a lesbian... checking me out for a potential partner. Its called being able to control your base nature and common courtesy.


Very true! but hillarious

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I advise you to do what I used to do. Don't look at the others and just concentrate on getting yourself dressed or undressed as quickly as possible and get out of there as quickly as possible.


The last thing you need right now is for others to physically or mentally abuse you.


Good luck and take care.

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funnily enough, it was the boys changing rooms in school that made me realise that im not straight.


in my opinion, if there is an attraction in the changing rooms you cant deny it. it doenst make you a big dirty perv, it just means you like what you see! but i think a certain decency is expected though. male and female changing rooms are separate for a reason. people like to expose themselves in the comfort of knowing they wont be started at in a sexual way. as times have changed and homosexuality has become more open, clearly its not the same as when men only had to avoid females, and vica versa.


so for the sake of all the straight guys out there, its not fair to gawk ot take advantage of the situation, just out of respect for others.


but having said that i dont think ive ever been in a changing room and not taken a sneaky peek... lol

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