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Is it better to have loved and lost.....

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i think that sentence is a bunch of bull you-know-what. I think that it is true in some cases, but not all. An example is when you love a friend, and you tell them, and it either doesn't go the way you wanted, or you end up making things very akward. It is better to have stayed friends than to have screwed things up in the friendship, but it is also better to take chances andrisk the friendship, so if you like a friend, tell them, but don't expect things to be the same, it will change, either for good, or for bad. But this whole it is better to have love and lost and basically had your heart-broken, then to be forever wondering what if? well, in some cases what if is better than what happened, you may always wonder what if? but at least you can imagine it goin well and be happy, instead of what really happened. But now im just rambling on so you can ignore any or all of this reply if you want. it may not make much sense to anyone else.

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As i have loved and lost.....i think it is better!!!! bcoz 'The test of fire makes good steel'. When u try to luv somebody and it doesn't go ur way..1) U understand what love is...it is mutual 2) u become stronger in life 3) V V Importantly, u get experience!!!!

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What if you have loved a person, made many mistakes and then lost that love......knowing you will never find someone as nice, considerate, sweet and attractive like that person again? Someone you meshed with so well with and had so much in common but were too selfish and inexperienced to realize the love you had between each other.


I know no one can tell the future.


I also know that the thought of finding someone new, fresh, someone that is completely different in sweetness, looks and life and telling yourself this after a broken heart is what you should do.


But, what if deep down inside you know, the way you perceive life and live your life will never bring someone like that into your life again?


What if she was the one and you knew it, but were too inexperienced in love to know.


What if the broken heart and crying has lasted for 5 months and the thought of her lingers in your head day and night everyday....


There are a ton of what ifs in life, but why are the ones that have to do with a lost love so painful?


Is it better to have loved and lost? I've learned a lot about myself and everything from losing her, and how to treat someone since she's left, so partly YES.


But part of me hurts so much that sometimes I wish I had never met her because the pain is still so great...


I know time heals all, but does it really?

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I think it is better to have never loved at all. Becuz if you never loved @ all, you dont know the feeling, you can live w/o it, and live a good life w.o ever having to bear the bad feeling of alone after love.

I know-great outlook, but hey...w/all the guyz Ive had, itll have to be REALLY special to change my mind lol



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That saying has gotten me into so much damn trouble, I swear.


I think yes and no. If you go after every person you think you love, then you end up doing rediculous things, getting hurt, and dating people who are not meant for you at all...even worse..missing out on someone who is really meant for you. Which has almost happened to me.


I think if your positive it is love, if this person means everything to you and its not just puppy love, infatuation, or something you want to feel so much that you believe is true....then yes. It is better to love than to have lost. SO trick question you have there

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"Life is all about developing relationships" As a current heart-broken person, I can still safely say that I would have rather loved and lost, because those years I was in love were the greatest of my life and I would trade them for the world.

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I dont understand how come ppl can say that it's better to not have loved at all b.c. u avoid the hurt. I'm sure they have been thru bad experiences to think like that but I've had my share of heart breaks too. I lost my first true love and i thought life was unbearable. the feeling really sucked big time! I didn't want anything to do with love ever again. I finally met someone new, we had awesome times, and at the end, he lied and cheated on me. How horrible, ur probably saying! yes it was. I cryed...then i got over it. I'm so glad i went thru these experiences though. I am so much stronger and better person b.c. of that. I don't even hate the guy that cheated on me. Im actually quite good firends with im still. I just realized that relationships are cases of trial and error so that u become stronger and better. I would not change one time i fell in love even though i had horrible heart breaks. And i am still willing to open myself to someone else if I find someone worth it. Why not? being in love is the best feeling any1 can ever have! it lasts so much longer than a heartbreak does. Heartbreaks can be forgotten with time, but memories of love are irreplaceable.

*My ThoUgHtz oN LiFe*

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Do you people not know how to spell or something? What's all this "ur" shit? What has become of the human race? A bunch of lazy sacks of crap.

Now, about your love, It's not better to have love and lost. Because the pain falls on you. These people who have said something like, "oh it's not that bad", or "it's for the experience!!" have no idea. Because they don't feel your pain. They just make up some excuse to make you feel better, and make it look like they've been down the road you are now traveling. Is that right? Is that the right thing to do? To lie to someone, and give false information.

Love stinks.

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Do you people not know how to spell or something? What's all this "ur" *beep*? What has become of the human race? A bunch of lazy sacks of crap.

Now, about your love, It's not better to have love and lost. Because the pain falls on you. These people who have said something like, "oh it's not that bad", or "it's for the experience!!" have no idea. Because they don't feel your pain. They just make up some excuse to make you feel better, and make it look like they've been down the road you are now traveling. Is that right? Is that the right thing to do? To lie to someone, and give false information.

Love stinks.


Love and Lost have something of the same.


When you love it can be painful and when you lost, it is someone or something you loved. It can mean anything for anyone to feel at the very moment.


For anyone to share there experience is what makes us understand and learn. One thing I must agree with you is not to make up something especially if it isn't true but to be honest to anyone and if you can't be honest, then don't say a word unless you have too.


Everyone has different ways in how they feel and how they handle matters but the similarity is still the say because we can understand the pain but we can't feel what that person really is feeling but only a good idea because of what we experience.


Love and lost is part of what we are and in life. No matter what, it is there and it will be apart of us and if anyone would tell me that it isn't true, then look closely at yourself and say what does it really mean and has it happen to me in a different way. remember Love and lost has many meanings and even the most smallest thing on earth that matters to us in our own different ways.

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Better to have loved and lost?..


hshot_rooke, I totally feel ya, those words couldn't have been put any better if I'd wrote them myself. I know i've learnt so much from all this heartbreak. It seems so cruel that sometimes the most important lessons in life have to be learnt the absolute HARDest way...


Ever since my breakup, I've had all those intense feelings of hurt and pain like everyone else. Pains me the most to know that I had become complacent and let things slide (although, yes, I have learnt to be forgiving to myself and know its meant to be a two way thing aswell). Itz been 3 months now and although the pain has subsided, waves of grief still hit me from time to time when I'll suddenly realise just how much I loved her. But I know in my heart that, awful as it is, its all part of a very necessary process, of letting go..and learning..and I know i'll be a better person for all of this...


..so is it better to have loved and lost..OF COURSE IT IS..(and believe me, I've thought the opposite many times, and admittedly still do when the chips are down)..but overall?...yes I think its been worth it...


..otherwise, I'd

a)never have experienced any of the incredible feelings of love that I shared with the person that meant the whole world to me..the butterflies in the stomach feeling, the intimacy, holding hands, romantic walks along the beach, the blissful feelings of foreverness etc..

and more importantly b)not have learnt these valuable lessons that I definitely needed to help me succeed in making love work the next time I'm lucky enough to fall again...

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