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What happened? Did I have a seizure or was it something else

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I had lunch and went to my fourth period class. I sat in the back because I was in somewhat of a bad mood and didn't want anyone to bother me. After a while I started shivering and squeezing my arms. I suddenlt felt like I was burning up. After 5 minutes it got worst and I started squeezing my head. That's all I remember. I guess I blacked out. When I finally recovored (near the end of class), some guy in my class said that he went to the back of the class and thought I was sleeping, until (for some odd reason) he opened my eyes and saw that they had rolled into the back of my head.


What happened here? How and why did it happen?


I'm not elliptic or anything. This was the first time it ever happened. Please respond.

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I'm not obese or overweight. I am 5 foot 8 inches and I weigh 130 pounds.


I just ate lunch then, so it can't be because of dehydration or hunger.


I have a very balanced diet. I am in very good health.


I'm wasn't stressed. Stress would definantly have been a factor 3 or more months ago because I was under an extreme depression and major stress. But my depression is not a subject I wanna go into right now.


I don't do drugs or alcohol. That stuff is just a waste of time, money, and space. None of my friends do the stuff either.

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You should see your doctor.


If that happens again before you see the doctor try this exercise;


breathe in through your nose for a count of four

Hold your breath for a count of four

Breathe out through your mouth for a count of four

Hold for a count of four before repeating.


This regulates the flow of oxgen to the brain, slows the heart rate and helps you relax. It's a good exercise anytime but especially when under stress or when not feeling well.

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