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I've been thinking about moving out of my parents house for a while now. I've lived with them all my life, but recently, I've found that I can't get the privacy I need. Like, my parents and sister never seem to give me any real time and space to myself.


But I am scared. I have never dealt with any sort of renting or any other accommodation before, and it's scary to throw myself out there. But a part of me really wants to. I think it would be good for me as a person, to gain some independence.


But I am very very nervous about telling my parents that I am thinking about moving out. How can I tell them that I don't want to live with them anymore without hurting their feelings?

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Might help to know how old you are. If you're at least 18 you can very well move out, but it might be best to get a roommate to curb expenses. Do you have a job? Do you make enough to afford a place? You'd have basic supplies to buy, utilities to pay, etc. Are you in school? Maybe you can live on campus. Yes everyone has to at one point make the transition and it's good that you feel ready, just make sure you have a basic plan before jumping ship.

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I lived with my parents for a long time and because i am the youngest they both saw me as being a baby. It was hard to bring the subject up at first, but a few hints here and there seemed to do the trick. I told my mum about wanting to move out first and let her tell my dad and eventually they both came round to the idea.


It is hard at first to arrange your finances and make sure everything is paid on time etc... but once you get to grips with everything, you'll be fine. I still stop at my parents home on a regular basis, but it is so nice to have your own space and things to your own taste. I doubt i could live back at home now. I think it has given my parents more space and time to themselves too.

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