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help plz



ok well my bf and i talk on the phone and all but there are moments wen theres like no point of calling cause he dosent really talk...most of the time just silence..wen he tells me to call i do but the silence makes me think, i dont wanna be rude i do love him but.it kinda starting to bother me only cause i dont wanna be those boring couples. that dont ever talk... what should i do am i over reacting?

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How long have you been going out?


In my experience, at the beginning it's a lot like that, and no one has anything to say.


After a while that changes and you can't stop talking.


Most people's experiences are the opposite.

At first; you are both eager and curious to find out more about the other person.


After curiosity has faded - there's less to find out.


Why don't use call eachother less?


Better to have quality conversations; than a vast quantity of mainly silences.

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Some guys aren't big phone people. Actually, most guys aren't. Girls can stay on the phone for hours jabbering away with each other, but with guys, they're more of the types to jsut say what needs to be said and move on to playing video games or watching football. Since it's long distance, I think maybe you guys should talk on the phone a little less, then when you do talk, talk about each others days and such, that should fill up atleast a good ten minutes. My ex wasn't much of the talkative type on the phone, he rarely tried thinking up subjects we could talk about, so we had some of those silences as well. Nothing wrong with it, people can't change. You either accept and live with it, or you dont. Simple as that.

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