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my boyfriend broke up with me last night. we had only been going out for 2 months, but still it really hurt. i am still a kid, but it still hurt. all i did was call him and c if he stopped smoking and he said no. i said i cant go out with someone who smokes and he said im not gonna just stop for u. then he said he hates me because i cut and said there is no way we can go out. but i feel bad about it because i did stop cutting, just last night i started again because i was so upset. i cried for like 5 hours and didnt want to eat but my mom made me. why did he dump me? i know he really seriously liked me, and i dont get it.

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You had noble intentions to help him stop smoking, because you care for him and want what's best for him. His reaction was uncalled for and completely inappropriate - that's not someone that you should be trying over! However, you have to realize that smoking is a sensitive and private issue, and when someone quits smoking, it's a choice that comes from within. If he's just a social smoker, then yes, he was a bit of a jerk (to say the least), but if there's an addiction, then the choice isn't so black and white. The point I'm trying to make is that you shouldn't feel bad because you did nothing wrong, and his behavior isn't a result of something you did or said, instead a consequence of his own inner problems that he can only resolve independently.


I think it's admirable that you kept to your standards and decided to take a stand against his smoking. There are so many other guys out there who will treat you much better than that, and fully appreciate how great you are!

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This whole post is based upon the fact that he smoked.


If she really cared for him - it would be unconditional.


It's his choice if he smoked or not. But that's beyond the point.


Is is his choice to smoke or not, but it is her choice whether or not she chooses to be with someone who smokes.


Did you know that cigarette smoke it the only thing that medical science knows of that can cause cancer all by itself? It's a terrible habit, and she cared about him and so she wanted him to stop.


Honey, I am sorry that he dumped you. Obviously he didn't care enough about you if he chose smoking over you, and you are better off without him, if he;s smoking this early he is going to end up with hypertention, obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, emphysema or a million other problems caused by cigarette smoking.


You are young, you will be ok with time, and you will grow and mature and find someone who truly cares for you and has the wisdom and maturity to love you and respect you.


Hang in there.

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he did smoke in front of me like 4 cigerettes and then by his friends pressuring me to saying that i wouldnt be cool and they would hate me if i didnt while he just sat there wasted, i did try one and i felt sick for the rest of the night and it was just terrible i breathed in more smoke from him than from the cigerette i had myself and to make it worse, he said that if i did it again, he would hate me even more because then i would be addicted and that rly hurt. its one thing that he drinks and i think thats fine, but i really like him and i know he rly liked me and since he wouldnt stop i think its debateble whether he cares as much about himself as he does me

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