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Suckered - How Abt A Guy's POV On This?


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Ok, so it seems like you want this man. You care about him enough to write a short novel anyways. So, what do you want to happen? Do you want him to leave his wife for you? What do you want? More attention, consistent behavior, to be his mistress?


I have an idea of what you might want, but what is it exactly?

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I also have the same questions that Chai has.


But really, I think that the guy is just bad news. Say that he leaves his wife and starts a relationship with you. If he cheated on his wife, he'll cheat on you too!


My advice is to gather up your courage and tell him that you will no longer communicate with him until he is divorced, or at least separated. Let's face it, you're not getting any younger, and if you are looking for a serious, stable relationship with a real man who can devote real time to you, then this isn't your man. If you're looking for a semi-satisfying e-mail relationship that's secretive, then go right on ahead....

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*lol* A short novel...


Anyway... no I do not want him. I do realize that he is bad news and have started detaching. I guess I'm just going through the usual process that everyone goes through. But I do wonder why it is that married men do these things? I guess I'm just trying to understand which is why I'd asked for a guy's pov.

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You don't want him?


I figured since you wrote so much about him, that you were interested in a relationship with him.


Why married men do these things? Because they're bored with their wives, and because they can. If you're responding to his IMs and accepting his gifts, you're enabling him to emotionally cheat on his wife. I think if more women put their foot down and said, "NO!" to married men, there would be a lot less straying married men out there.


Let's agree that you are better than this, don't you think?


Block his IM. Forget him.

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Raykay... yes... that's what I meant... why is it that some married men do these things. I suppose I'm expecting to get some sort of insight into it from married men who have cheated... but I just realized maybe they don't want to reveal that they've cheated by responding to this post. *lol*


annie24 - No I don't want him. *lol* Surprised? Yeah I did write a lot but it's just to get it out of my system... part of the process. It's all good though. I am detaching.

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