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I wasn't sure weather or not to label this under an internet relationship or here. Cause it files under both.


Well I guess I should start with the fact that we met on link removed back in the beginning of june. She e-mailed me and we just started talking and hit it off really well. I wasn't planning on anything more than a person who I could converse with. It turned into more rather quickly. I know that people say, "well you're rather young, or that people are different once you meet them" and that may be true, but I have this amazing feeling when I'm talking to her. We've been "together" for about three months. Talking on the phone, instant messaging, and writing letters on occasion. I'm so crazy about her, and I can't wait to meet her.


The thing is, is that it's extremely hard casue we're both very physical people and that's pretty much the one thing we can't have. The distance that holds us apart, is the one between california and pennsylvania. We've been planning on getting her out here for a week after christmas so we could spend new year's together.


I'm the kind of person that believes in being completely faithful to one another. Her friends tell her that I'm asking too much. am i?


I've told her that I'm willing to wait and willing to pretty much do anything. But I've also been trying to remind her that we still haven't formally met yet. But we're both at that stage where so much is going on in our lives right now, with the transition of high school to college adn what not. So I'm trying to take it step by step, but we're also trying to think what if this happens...

like if we don't end up liking each other as much as we thought...

or what if we are completely in love with eachother and we want this to work...


But again it's hard to wait, but I'm willing to do that.


I know I probably sound crazy, and if that's all you want to say then please don't bother. I only wanted to vent here and hopefully get some insight on other peoples thoughts, cause I've always gotten really great advice from other members here.


I know what I feel, and I feel nothing but love for her.


thanks for listening,



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Long distance relationships are hard. I've never done one myself. I do think they can work if both people want it to. My best advice would be to keep talking to her, etc. and don't put pressure on her for anything more until you meet her. Meet her over New Year's and see how things go and talk with her then about your feelings and find out hers. If you still feel like you are in love and she is too, then give the long distance relationship a go. From your age, it looks like you will be finishing high school soon and if you two are still together then you can work on bridging the distance between CA and PA.



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Well i can honestly say that yes it is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I met my current g/f online and I used to live in Colorado and she lived in Georgia. It only took 4 months for her to come and visit me. Yes I was so nervous and she was too..we got into a fight a few day b4 she came and it was only because she was so stressed out about coming to see me. But we are both glad she did. It was amazing she was more than I could ever dream of. We were both nervous but it didnt take long for us to warm up to one another. Now being with her for over a year and moving in with her about 6 months ago I would not change much.


It is hard to wait for that person you are with. But trust me in the long run you are happier. Plus you fall in love with that person on a deeper level and that deeper level most people dont get to because they may not be able to get past the physical part of the relationship.


Good Luck

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Thank you Ballys, Lilkat21, and Tigris. I really apreciate your input. I'm glad that one of you could relate to the situation, it makes me feel not so "out of my head" on this.


All I ever seem to get from my friends is comments about how crazy I am for concidering myself "taken" for some girl accross the country.


Thanks again.


anyother input is greatly welcomed...



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