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How U get a girl 2 like U aftr her comng out 6yr relatnship?

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Sigh...well...there's this girl whom i went to high school with...we knew each other but we never really hung out in high school...we're both in our 3rd and 4th year in college and recently been hanging out lately together thru a mutual friend of ours...she's probably the most beautiful girl both inside and out that I have known...i've always thought she was a cutie ever since high school, but only til recently hangin out with her did i begin to realize that she's someone i would really like to get to know better and hopefully be my girlfriend


Like most girls who are very pretty physically and personality-wise..you'll have to compete with several other guys that are on her jock...i'm not the best looking guy she probably knows, but I know all there is to be a true gentleman...i think the problem that i'm trying to solve is how to get with a girl like her...the slight drawback is that she was with her last bf for about 6 yrs, but they've been broken up for about a year now...i hang out with her, and we joke around when with our other friends on tryin' to hook her up..and she talks about guys that she thinks are cute...she doesn't talk much about her ex-bf, but of course she probably wouldn't disclose stuff liek that but only to her closest friends...after observing this..i'm assuming she appears to be ready to pursue another relationship...


it's been a while since i've dated because i've been focusing on school and getting my life straight...i've learned that you are who you attract and that is why i have been workin' on myself both physically and mentally...i feel it's time for me to get back into the dating scene and find someone whom i can be with for a long time and not just it be a summer fling..friends who i talk to tell me to just be a friend for now..be a good listener..try and carry good conversations with her..and try to take her out to lunch or dinner...


when you have a crush for a girl...it is hard to control yourself, and you always have this urge to talk to her..call her..e-mail her..chat on AIM with her...for some reason i have an easier time giving advice to my friends, but when the spotlight's on me, i have a difficult time...it's like I get up from my seat, but my mind sits down when it comes to dealing with girls myself...because she's one of those pretty girls, i know for a fact that she has the ball and there are tons of guys, including me, trying to steal the ball away from her..but because of her beauty...she has the choice on whom to pass the ball too which sucks real bad for us guys...the hardest part for me in a relationship is the part of telling the girl you like her for the very first time..but once i know i have her...it's pretty much downhill for me..i know what needs to be done to maintain a relationship...this girl that i have a mad crush on has built a really high wall for me to climb, and right now i'm strugglin' to figure out a way to get over it..


so I'm not sure when to do what...do i take her out to lunch first..do i call her on the phone first.....and other stuff like that..i need know to know all there is to know to get this girl to like me...help!? tips on what to talk about in a conversation over the phone or in person? how to flirt? to what point should i be nice to show her that i like her but not scare her away? (if ya need to see a pic of her, she's on my website, just click on WWW below...she's the chic that looks like michelle branch)


if the seed i plant doesn't grow, do i plant another or should i wait a little, water it some more, and let a little more sunlight shine over it?
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Hello fellow southern ca guy! You know reading your post...I actually got excited for you! How fun...how scary.... how great. Now the hard part. lol

First I think you can prob tell if she seems interested in you by the way she treats you. Sounds like she may think of you as a friend right now, which is good and bad. The good side is it gives you time to develop something real with her. The bad part is, after a 6-year relationship, she may not be very interested in something too serous. And may be wanting to go for the guy she thinks is ultra hot. (And yes, that could be you but i am not standing there so I cannot say)

So, either way, continue to pursue....

Tough one...hum...lets see. I think that you don't want to wait to long to ask her out, or she may put you in the friend file. (Which you can get out of, but easier if you can head them off at the pass) I would say talk on aim, if you have her number already, call and talk... and get a feel for how she is responding. If you cannot tell.... just ask her out.

I think that if she is interested in you, asking her on a date should not scare her off. If its scares her off, its because she is not interested in dating you right now. (lets hope that's not the case)

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This is a tough one. She has you in her friend file, and girls who have been in 6-year relationships at that age, as I recall from college days, are real tough birds to catch. She looks at a bf almost like a husband, and will expect a LOT from a guy who will become her next bf. She has 6 years' experience in the subtleties of keeping a relationship and is thus a pro. On top of that, she's smart and beautiful, etc.


Here's what I'd do. If you just keep hanging around mutual friends and joking about setting her up, etc., she'll probably never picture the two of you alone together. So, just hit her between the eyes and ask her out. Not as a "date," but think of something fun and be real cool about it...something requiring a drive to get there...and get away and spend the whole day together. Never once volunteer your true intentions. Let her come to you. If she comes out and asks "Is this a date" however, say yes, with confidence. Then add something non-commital like "We've always gotten along so well, I think it's worth it to see if there could be more. But what the hell, it'll be fun, anyway." If she won't even give you this opportunity, frankly, I'd take her from my "friend" file to my "acquaintance" file and blow her off! Only a real bitch would not even consider seeing you with such a history of friendship...then maybe she really is only looking for the hottest guy, and is not terribly mature or interesting as a person.


Hope this helps. Let us know how this goes!

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You cant "get" a girl to like you, liking someone involves feelings and you cant change feelings be them right or wrong so getting someone to like you is like getting all the money in the world. If somebody likes you then fair enough but if somebody doesnt like you then dont try and change yourself to suit the needs of that person otherwise you will be lying and it obviously wasnt meant to be.

Good luck.

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