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Are all girls like this?


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i know that im not like that.

i know that many many girls, probably 90% of girls think about how your personality is and how you would treat them.


Most girls wonder WHY men always think about "butt and tits".


Looks matter to some girls, but personality and the way you present yourself means way more.

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hmm, im a platonist- as in i dont really worry about peoples bodies etc....then again it could just be that people where i am are so badly into the whole girls bodies thing i avoid it- for example where i am guys call good looking girls 'meat'...if that isnt disturbing i dont know what is...

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I'm 21 now, but even back when I was in HS I judged a girl more on their personality than their as you put it "tits and ass". Just because a girl look hot doesn't mean shes a good person. She can look hot and be a total witch (you know what I mean), or stupid. I like a girl that I can have an intresting converstation with and someone that I can relate to. That how I got my current girl. She may not have the "tits and ass" but shes beautiful to me.


People need to stop being shallow, men and women.

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I am always checking girls out. I think every guy does it. I cant help it really but most of these women I would never date EVER. Most of them are stuck up and its the old high school stereotype of the popular girls. And I am pretty popular and I probably could go out with them, but i never would. I dont think checking out someone who is really hot is such a bad thing though. Its hard not to admire beauty of any kind INCLUDING physical beauty.

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If you're just looking to have some senseless fun and part ways, sure. Physical attraction is the end all and be all - but even then it's not all asses and tits. You gotta look at the WHOLE picture.


If you're looking for something more long term, and you're an arrogant bastard like i am, you gotta look for something a bit more elusive - someone who impresses you, who you can live vicariously through without squashing her goals in life. Someone with an amazing ability to read people, or absurdly smart in some way you're not, but not so much in areas you like to consider your strong point that you lose your confidence in them.


When it comes down to it, if you can respect someone, you're more willing to talk. If you're more willing to talk, there's a higher expectation of trust. I guess there are lots of pitfalls, but those are the biggies.


As far as 'spiritual beauty' goes, that's crap. Find someone who challenges your beliefs and who makes you want to be a better person - whatever that means to you. And who you can be with without feeling guilty.


Either way, you sound like the harmless fun type of guy. In 6 months you'll probably be several times better informed than me on all of this stuff.

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