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So today my friend (female) tells me that she spoke to my ex, and she's planning on breaking up with her boyfriend, and then she's going to talk to me, maybe to work things out, and get back together, because supposedly she still likes me.

anyways, my 16th birthday is coming up and i'm planning on having a party this weekend, with lots of people, including her...


Another guy, her age.. is having a party this saturday as well, and my ex told my friend that she doesn't want to go to that party because her boyfriend will be there (I dont know if they'll be broken up by then or what). Since I haven't spoken to her about her boyfriend, once.


Last night she sent me a message asking about my party.. and she randomly said "I have vball tournament next weekend, but I get back saturday night " So i'm guessing she wanted me to invite her. Which I will.


I think all of her friends are coming too, because it seems people want to come to my party over the other because i'm older and they expect it to be better, I guess.


So here's the thing.. the dance is coming up next thursday too, so I was thinking of asking her on the first slow song to dance with me, only if her boyfriend and her break up.. Which it looks like they will because both of them have admitted they don't like each other that much..


But what should my next move be? With my whole situation, i'm sort of confused..

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Don't be so sure they'll break up - you're setting yourself up for heartache if they don't.


And even if she does break up with him - she'll need some time to be alone. It's not healthy to jump from one relationship to another without having time to grieve and get used to life as a person, before being introduced to life as a couple once again.


It seems likely that she isn't interested in her current relationship - if it's still going at all.


The point is - she said (to your friend) that she's going to your party.


Take things as they come - don't be in a rush to please her.


She won't be so interested if you're eager to please and instantly want to take her back. Over zealousy isn't attractive.


Be the confident, relaxed and comfortable guy that she's missing out on.


Good Luck.

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