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Okay, here's the situation (this is still the same girl as with my previous posts)


So I called her today and asked if she wanted to hang out and she said she was working on a lot of homework but maybe later in the day. So I called her back later and we set up that we would go for a walk at 9. I go over at nine and she says that two friends of hers wanted to go for a walk too and would tha tbe a problem. I said not at all. Occasionally, her two friends walked a little bit ahead of us and she and I walked side by side.


Here's the deal, I don't know what to make of this. I'm no fool and I gather that if she were totally interested in me, she would probably have come alone, but the fact that she brought friends can mean one of the following:


1.) absolutely nothing

2.) her friends wanted to see what I was like

3.) she isn't interested and is trying to let me know subtly

4.) she might be interested but wanted to have friends come along with her.


or perhaps none of the above. I'm going to consult with one of her friends that came along (who happens to live on my floor and whom I know)


Any thoughts though are welcome and much appreciated.

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i think if she really wasnt interested she would made up some excuse and not bother going for that walk, and if her friends went there's a BIG chance they wanted to check you out (hint* friends usually want to do this when they've heard alot about you), and if they would walk a bit a head is to give you guys a bit of privacy(hint* this usually means they aprove her friends choice), so i would say


1.) yes

2.) yes

3.) no

4.) yes


and yes it could be something else, and if u already know one of her friends and lives close to you, why havent you asked her? she'll probly tell you what you want to know, with details.

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well, I asked the friend wo lives on the floor and here's the deal:


Right now she's just interested in being friends.


Which is great, becuase I'm perfectly happy just having her as a friend and it doesn't mean we can't hang out or anything. But now at least I can move on, meet more people and get to know other girls. sure its a bummer, but you gotta roll with whatever rolls you. And at least she's interested in being friends. So, I can continue to get to know her, hang out in a totally friendly way.


Thanks for all the help along the way guys, I've really appreciated it.



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