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At first had a chance not so sure now

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Ok here I go, Im gona give you a quick sum of the story.. One day in class a friend of mine (a girl) goes im gona give this pic of you to her friend. I didnt know her friend but I had seen a picture of her before and found her to be pretty. Anyhow my friend said that her friend thought I was cute and she showed me a pic of her and i said that i thought she was pretty. I waited a day or two and then added her on icq. I said that my friend had made mention of her before, but i failed to make mention i knew she thought i was cute. Well over the weekend her and i made a connection, she even told my friend that she may haftoo hook us up. And my friend went ballistic and told her to not date me and told me she thought it was weird me being a freshman and the girl being a junior. So I still talked to the girl and then she ignored me for a week so i just deleted her off my list.. turns out she was sick lol.. Anyhow over the summer we talked a little but not a whole lot.. once or twice a week. See all this happened back when i was an 8th (in march) grader and now im in the high school with the girl.. and everyday i see her. We usually look at each other if we see each other in the hall way but we dont really talk. Ive only talked to her 2 times and it was briefly she actually ignored me once. To be honest with you I still have feelings for this girl.. And want to be with her.. but its hard for me to talk to her and it feels really akward when im around or see her. Neither one of us speaks to the other one. So I dont know if she's made at me or what? We made a good connection off the bat but it feels like its dwindling now.. She often ignores me on icq. So I just dont know.. We have no classes together except lunch and are in 1 club together. Shes still best friends with my friend. And its not that my friend and i dont get along.. my friend actually adores me and im usually helping her out with stuff. To be truthful shes the most popular girl in my grade. But i really wana be with the girl but I just dont know if its still possible? I feel like im fighting one heck of an up-hill battle. And I really dont think i have a chance with her.. shes really pretty and im not too shabby but not at her level.. so I guess any suggestions anyone?




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usually teenageers have a little problem. when they like some one they go for it. some times when times passes, they have a change of heart. Maybe she has a change of heart.


Cause in the beginning she wasn't shy to let u know what she think about u. now she's annorying u in a way.


there are few solutions:


1) since ur friend is best friend with her. u can also be a friend of her. romanics can build up from friendship some times.


2)just go up to her and tell how u feel. (teenagers are tricky, cause they might think it's a turn off. usually it's easyer to do that to an adult.) ask her to go out on a date.

she might just tell u what's really in her mind. maybe she has a depression, or she's into someone else. what ever her excuses it is.


-the point is, if she's not into u any more, move on. if u don't think u r bad urself. maybe u can just get a girl that is in ur level. i mean she don't have to be popular. just someone that u can like.

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only that don't use the word "date" because it sounds cheesy. Say something like "let's grab a coffee someday.." or something without the word "date".


Don't confess your feelings either, few might like it but majority thinks it's weird and will scare them.


Just play it cool and ask her out.

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