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Problem with my girlfriend

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OK heres my problem, basicaly me and my girlfriend were/are in love, but recently I have been feeling very paranoid about what she is doing. The problem is this was triggered off by a dream I had, which obviousely has no meaning but I feel it has got rid of that spark in my which we once shared. I feel I no longer love her and I really want to its strange. Do you kow if there is a psycologial fact on why this has happened. She also said she did not love me as much as I love her but I feel the tables have now turned. Final problem with the relationship is that we no longer have anything to talk about apart from sex, we have talked so so much and basicaly there really is no topic uncovered what do I do.

Cheers if you can help me


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Ohh and while im hear and cant multi post. I get to spend porper time together like all day and night bour 4 times a month for afew days maybe abit less due to the inconviniences of parents and living like 30 miles away. Anyway due to this gap of time, is it usual for her to want sex atleast 5 times a day?. And its not like im not satisfying her, the act usualy lasts form aroun 30 min to 2 hours, producing multi climaxes (wow making me sound gr8 lol) anyway, we will finish at say midnight then at 5 in the mornig she will wake me up and say again, and so on all day all night whatever the hour is she is constantly horney.


Well if u could shed some light on this please do so, but please please concentrate on the other post. And omg saying this has shown me I do love her, but there still afew points I need answering.

(sorry bout the essay)

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Okay, lets see if I can chime in hear and offer some advice, whether it makes sense or not will up to fate. First off I should say that you shouldn't consider a dream to have no meaning, because dreams are a true doorway into the inner parts of your mind and true feelings. If you had a dream that you feel affected how you feel about your g/f then you need to really dive into that issue and find out why you had the dream and what that dream really means to you. Lots of times when people look back at there dreams they begin to notice certain parts of there dreams that can act like metaphors to feelings/emotions that they are dealing with. You may also want to talk to your g/f about the dream, since it's having a direct effect on how you feel about her and your feelings about the relationship.


Now for the issue of things to talk about.....Hmmm....Well things like this happen in relationships that seem to move too fast, or for people that jump straight into sex. I know right now you feel that you both have talked about everything you could in the world, and now all you have is dead silence that gets covered up with sex. If this is something that you feel as a problem, well then theres something for you to talk about. You see where I'm going with this. Your saying you have all these issues that you don't understand and that all she wants is sex and those are things that you can bring up to her and discuss them with her. You never know, maybe talking about these things will you give a better understanding of who she really is and what type of person she is. It will also help you vent out your frustrations/questions and find possible answers that will help your mind feel at ease. Right now if you feel like your a "booty-call" and your fine with it, then theres no need to say anything to her, but if you feel that there should be something more then the best thing to do is sit down and talk to her about it. I hope this helps because I'm a little drowsy after some medicine I took and don't konw if I made much sense.

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You might be falling out of love with her because of her comment that you actually loved her more than she loved you. Psychologically, you may be protecting yourself against the pain that would come with her breaking up with you. If someone doesn't seem to care very much, the obvious reciprocal feeling is exactly the same. It may not seem logical since a lot of people love others who do not feel the same, but in this case it seems as though general interest has been lost. If conversation is lacking and nothing more than sex seems to be on both your minds, the relationship may have developed into a solely physical one. You may feel sexually attracted to her still but the mental aspect of your love may have faded. In a sense, you may not be feeling the love you did before.

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Dunno if anyone will read this as it is an old topic now, but thanks what u said made sense. Think our feelings for each other now are on par, but the emotional side of the relationship has not totaly fadded, I can often strike up a convo but they justseem to be more rare now, and we enjoy to gaze into each others eyes and stuff like that which breaks the silence.

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