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a million knifes in heart, uncesssful

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No - don't even think about it! The rose on the ground is NOT sign that there is hope. It's over. You tried your best, she told you she's going for someone new.


I'm sorry - it's going to hurt. Go to the gym, hang out with your friends, get a puppy, but you MUST get over your ex!


Good luck

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I also agree that the rose on the ground does not signify that there will be another chance for a relationship with your ex.


I don't know what led to the break up, or which one of you called the relationship off.


I believe that the reason she called and went to dinner with you was to see how your doing after the break up because she still cares about you. She has obviousely moved on, Im sure she would like you to move on as well.


It will take time for you to move on, but you will eventually move on and find that someone special in your life. Until then, give your ex space by n/c her, because you did place her in a ackward position that night when you asked her for another chance.

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I am in EXACTLY the same place as you.Made some mistakes,but when we apart made drastic changes(even she saw this)tried to get back together,but she has someone else.It's been 6 months now,the pain is still there,but I am getting by.Hearing after she has only dated this man for 4 months and he lives out of state,they have plans to marry next year didn't help.I felt all the knives in the heart you do right now.I am working on removing them one at a time,one day at a time.I am sorry for your loss.I wish you all the best.

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I'm sorry that this is hapening to you. This may seem critical to you and is only my opinion,you were not ready to see her and I think you acted too quickly and desperately you really have to look at the situation from the position of your ex. I would be extreemly uncomfortable if someone I had separated from brought me a bunch of flowers and took me to where we first held hands and begged for another chance. I know you did what you think was best at the time, you can't make someone want you.


The best thing for you is to not contact her and to move on for yourself

not for her, no contact is about you and your grief and healing. Learn all you can about what went wrong in your relationship and what it has taught and will teach you about yourself and life. Read books on personal developement, psychology, philosopy, religion and relationships think and grow. I didn't have my heart broken until I was 33 years old I wish I had it happen sooner it is part of the human experience and can be a period of increadible insight and depth.[/u]

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winho2002: "..I think this is a sign that there is still hope ......... "

stop hoping!!! ..move on...!!!

no more hoping!!! try to move on!

you are only hurting yourself


winho2002: yesterday christine called me and asked me to tell u that it is her final decision.. she said you are goin crazy ..that u need to accept the relationship is over ..

she said she has told u many times but u dont listen


winho2002: if that's what she wanted..u should let her go.. and its not worth ur time to chase after her anymore.. u are only hurtin urself and ruining ur image

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dats good dat ur not goin to contact her for a while..if she told u to leave her alone..den do as she wish..or she gonna not ever talk to u again..trust me on dis..den everytime u call her she gonna give u an addittude dat will make u sad..rite now try to move on. it can be very hard to but it part of life to get heart broken..wen u fall deepy u have to take ur time to get bak up rite?and dis is wut u have to try to do is pick urslef up again...try to go hang out wit old frens and keep ur mind off of her...sumtime gurl can change like dat..dey dunno wut dey want..wen dey age up thrie views on guys change..dey want more frum guys different type..gurls are confuseing...it best now jux to move on..and if she kums bak to u and u still have feelins for her den go for it..but it best to stop callin her and tryin to get her bak..let her live her life for now..let her do wutever she wants..put her in da back of ur head..think like dis wutever make her happpy make u happie..it best not to be selfish at dis point..well i noe ur sad but it time to move on...u noe ur alwae have a fren like me hea..please take dis advice and do ur best and try to make dis happen...

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