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Hey guys,


I was at work last week, and this girl and I made eye contact. The same thing happened several times. Then one of my friends came in and sat next to her, and she asked my friend where I'm from.

Then my friend told me that the girl asked and I was like "oh" "...Tell her I'm from.." then my friend stopped me and said "I already told her where you're from" lol. I was trying to think of something funny to say. That didn't work out anyway.


So then I made a comment to the girl, I don't remember what it was but she smiled, and I smiled back at her. Then throughout the day, the eye contact continued, and whenever I was smiling at something my friend said, I'd glance over at the girl smiling, and often she'd be smiling back at me. I even saw her from the corner of my eye looking when she thought I couldn't see her.


At the end of our shift, we passed by each other..she didn't look at me. Then when I was leaving, she was in the hall I said bye to her...she was looking away from me and didn't say anything.


Then tonight, she was sitting next to one of her friends, then I saw her friend looking at me a couple times, as if something had been said about me. I didn't say anything to her, or even look at her tonight. Except once in the elevator, I was messing around with my cell phone, and I looked up and saw her looking at me, with something that looked like a semi-smile, then she turned away lol.


Now, the obvious question is..does she like me? or is she playing games? Or perhaps, she finds me attractive and that's it. I've sorta decided that it really doesn't matter, she's a bit younger than I'd like to go for..she's 18. But opinions are welcome, as I'd welcome the learning experience.

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heya. i think she's interested in you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


know if i was trying to smile at someone it would be to see what their reaction was to see if they liked me.


So i think you should just get talking to her, find out about each other and take things from there.......



don't be afriad to make a first move. she sounds interested and so will probably be apprehensive about talking to you.


the thing where her mate comes in and they are talking and looking up??!lol i've done that before when i have liked guys. we all talk about who we currently fancy da pants off!


the age gap is hardly anything, infact i think 3 years is just about right from a girl's point of view i would be looking at guys 2/3/4 years older then me.


have some fun and get flirting!


sugar x

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