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HELP!!!, my girlfriend might be moving away!

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Hey, today when I was talking to my girlfriend in school she mentioned that her father was offered a new job in a different province and that if he likes it up there they might be moving up there to stay, if they do go I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. I love her so much and can't bare the thought of her leaving me. If she does go I'm affraid I will never ever get to see her again. And I love her so much, shes the first girlfriend ive ever had and we have been together for about 11 months total. I don't want anyone else except her. She means everything to me and I'm going to feel really lonely and depressed if she leaves. Please help me, I really don't know what I will do if she does leave. thx

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aahhh been in this situation before


long story short, i got over it, not seeing the person has an amazing effect on how much you care for them, pretty soon her face will fade away and you will be just fine.


I say this all the time in my posts and ill say it here too, mean or not i don't care:


You guys are 16...you will not get married.


I always tell myself that if i break up with a girl or she breaks up with me and im feeling bad, usually works pretty well, too bad my time to use that excuse is dwindling as pretty soon itll be time to search for a wife...oh well for now it makes me feel good lol.

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Yea, but I was talking to her friend the other day and found out that when she asked my girlfriend if she thought if we would ever get married someday she said that my grilfriend said "I hope so" and I hope so too, mainly because I love her so much, I know it might not even happen, but I'm knowen to worry a lot. And even if they do decide to move maby I can convince them that I love her a lot and hopefully change their minds, I know for a fact her mother is really happy that were going out because she said "theres not many guys out there like you, all the other guys want it one thing and one thing only" but I don't care about that, I just love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her. thx for your help, any other advice would be greatly appreciated. thx

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ok been in that situation too, have you ever broken up before?


and i really hate to be a pessimist but you have to think logically about this, if they are moving, it really would be because her parents found a new job or something, they aren't moving just for the hell of it. I doubt he would turn down more money for a teen relationship


I understand the worrying thing but you guys are 16, what is that...sophmores? At my school there were at least 6-7 couples last year who became engaged as sophmores, how many of them are still together? 0...how long did they date beforehand? well, the first one to break it off had been together since about 6th grade...4 years, high school relationships are pressured anyway, there is no need to add the pressure of marriage onto it.


its fun to think of marrying the person, and lord knows there are probably 1 or 2 who actually make it, but it just isn't realistic or healthy to do this to yourself at your age and presented with your situation.


hope you can listen to reason

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This exact same thing happened to me. She left and we were both depressed for a long time but we got over it. I still talk to her and she visits several times a year. There are still feelings for each other but we haven't acted on them. Maybe when we are both moved out and in University (she is coming to mine) we will try it again. Overall our relationship was one of the things I value most in my life so far. I learned a lot from it and I think it really was when I started to mature as a person. Anyways what Im trying to say is cherish it while it lasts and grow from it.

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sorry about the double post but also this might actually turn out to be a good thing. High School is when you will want to trying new things and meeting new people. If you try to stay together throughout highschool it will be very difficult. Maybe in the future after highschool, and after you have tried other people etc. you will find that you both still love each other. Or maybe you will find that you really did not love her as much as you thought.

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Yea, thanks for all your help ppl, If she does end up leaving I know it will be hard because I don't really know what it's like to separate from someone and never see them again, she is the first girlfriend I ever had, we broke up once before and I never really got over it until we started going out again after but at least I still got to see her at school and stuff. I guess if it does happen and she moves I don't know how to deal with it, I don't know how I would keep my mind off it. Thx again for your help, if theres anyone out there with any good ways to help take my mind off this kind of stuff and getting over this kind of stuff please tell me. thx


PS, Im probably over reacting because I was talking to her mother on MSN about 10 minutes ago and she said that her husband might be leaving but they wouldn't, I don't know if she was just saying that to help me feel better or if she really means it. thx again ppl for all your help.

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