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Well it's been exactly 2 months since I kicked my ex of 7-years out. It still hurts. I still think about her. I still miss her, but than I hate her for what she did to me. (Cheating with a Co-worker, said horrible things to me)

She hasn't even tryed to contact me. Wow. I still can't get it through my tiny little mind I guess. I still don't understand what happened. April she's telling me she loves me. May she tells me she doesn't love me. Than all hell broke loose.

Sometimes I wish she would call me and tell me she is sorry and that she made a huge mistake. At this point in time I seriously doubt that will ever happen. She walked away 2 months ago without a tear in her eye. I was the one crying begging her to stay. She said no I need to be on my own for awhile. You really should be with your family right now. I know that she doesn't care.

I just hurt so bad.

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I know that if feels like this pain will never go away at the moment but honestly it will eventually. I know it sounds difficult but please try to distract yourself by going out with friends and gettting involved in new things that interest you. Eventually you won't realise that you were trying to distract yourself in the first place. Talk to sypmathetic friends and get it all out of your system. Have a good cry and let it all out, and above all be nice to yourself.


One day all of this will be a distant memory, anybody who cheats is not worthy of your time, you will find someone else who will treat you as you deserve to be.


You still seem to be in that first phase of the breakup process even though it was two months ago, the next step is to get furious and play angry break up songs for a while, after that comes acceptance.


Trust that this won't last forever, it really won't.


Good Luck

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It really sucks that she cheated on you and then left you. She did the right thing leaving you, though, even though you wanted her to stay because you deserve better than her. You deserve someone who is crazy about you and who will be faithful and respect you. Your ex is a very selfish person.


I know you are really hurting right now. I hope that you are giving yourself the time and attention that you deserve. Hang out with old friends, take up something like yoga or pottery that you always wanted to do, improve yourself, and when you do these things and with enough time and healing, you will meet someone truly wonderful and it will make all of the pain and problems that you had with your ex seem nonsignificant.



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