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Does masturbation decrease sexual enjoyablility?


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Yes, I had heard about it helping to prevent prostate problems as well. I can't help wondering whether at least some of the prostate problems in older men are because they don't "do it enough" (one way or the other) as they get older. It makes sense to me. So I think perhaps we should all make the effort to schedule this activity into our busy days / nights /whatever

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After three days of no ejaculation - the sperm is at its maximum.


I don't know if that would effect the pleasure though...


Yep, 72 hours is when your body starts to really say to you "hey, I need to release this" and you get a little more tense about it. If you wait that many days or even just a week to ejaculate the you'll have a monster load (no pun intended of liquid to release. It's not necessarily sperm count, but rather seminal fluid. Also, if you don't cum within that period then your body will naturally let go of your ejaculate either in small amounts (through your urine or sometimes when you take a dump due to prostate pressure) or one big amount with nocturnal emission. Your body has ways of relieving itself so if you don't masterbate then you're not exactly harming yourself either.

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