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For the record, people who act like jerks, ARE insecure. It's true man. I went through the "jerk" phase when it was my time. Then I hit rock bottom, and realized that Ive hurt alot of people with my behavior.


Not saying I'm the nice guy either.. Im kind of in between, I have the jerk's personality, like the carefree attitude, w/o some of the the a-holeness and insecurities, and the nice guy's politeness and understanding.


A "nice guy"'s ego is generally alot bigger than that of the jerk.


Girls are attracted to jerks, because they act masculine, to some extent. Girls never grow out of the "bad boy" phase, they still have lust for those guys. When marriage comes into play, everything changes.

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Same goes for nice guys. They are too insecure and afraid of being rejected to shoot for the big one, so to speak


And then they do shoot for the big one and end up happier then they could ever have imagined. Or they have a girl who actually initiates things with them. Women find nice, shy, innocent, etc to be just as appealing or even more so.


I'm not talking about the nice guy you're thinking of, which I'm sure is how you view yourself. I'm talking about the guys who aren't really "nice", but act as such because they don't feel they don't have any other choice.


As I've stated before, the real you is the right guy to be. If you're being the real you, ShySoul, which I'm sure at this point you are, then you aren't the unfavorable "nice guy".

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