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I dont know what else to do or who else to turn to about my weight issue. ABout two years ago i had a eating disorder. I have been trying very hard to keep my weight to the way that i have been wanting it. It seems as if how hard i work out or staying away from the junk food that my weight is not going down but up. I work out once a day, running on the treadmill, using the bike, sit ups and all the arobics. Plus i work about 8 hours a day. All i eat is healthy foods, and maybe once in awhile ill have some fat free ice-cream. I mean what am i doing wrong. this morning i weighed myself and it was 134 and in the evening it is 140. I dont understand. all i wanted was to be one of those tiny thin girls that could eat anything without gaining a pound. Im 5'6 and my goal is to at leat weigh 125. Please can anyone help me. i dont want to start up my eating disorder again yet it is very tempting sometimes. thanks for anyone who can help...

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well, if you insist.


go for an early morning run, eat a smal breakfast, like a slimfast or nutrition bar


at lunch eat normally, make it the biggest meal of the day again


dinner, eat light, whatever you like, not until you feel completely full, but until you feel satisfied.


then run a short distance at night. if you start dropping wait really fast it is NOT good, im no dietician either so yeah rofl.


still dont understand...but hey, to each their own right?

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i mean in 12 hours my weight went up my 5 pounds.


That is what your body is supposed to do. As you gain and lose fluids your weight goes up and down. You can't weight yourself every 12 hours and tell if you are gaining and losing weight.


I mean really there should be no need to weigh yourself every day anyway but if you must, weigh yourself at the same time each morning. That will give you the best idea of what your weight is doing.

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all i wanted was to be one of those tiny thin girls that could eat anything without gaining a pound.


Well, this happens to be due to genetics not due to working out like a health nut. I happen to be like that, except a guy lol. I gain lbs though I use protein shakes and that works for me. Maybe a diet pill will work? I've never seen anyone use it but maybe it works maybe it doesn't, if it's a steriod (I don't know if it is ) then DON'T use it.

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im asking if you know a way to lose pounds, i mean in 12 hours my weight went up my 5 pounds. DO you know of a way to lose pounds, like a work out rutuine. Any advice would help.


You are weighing yourself far too much. Weigh yourself once a week, on the same day each week- first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Weighing yourself any more than that, at different times of the day is counter-productive and not accurate. As others have said- you will simply be seeing changes in fluid weight.


Also, if you are working out you may be losing bodyfat and replacing it with lean muscle. So the scale isn't telling you everything. YOu need to also have your bodyfat percentage measured.


Based on what you said- you are already thin for your height. Focus on health and not pounds. I would not aim to lose more pounds, if I were you. If you want to sculpt your body by building more lean muscle and burning more fat- then that's a healthy goal...but you won't see progress reflected on the scale. It will show in how your clothing fits and in your bodyfat percentage.


Also, to train your metabolism in general- you should eat 6 smaller, nutritionally balanced meals instead of 3 big meals a day. Avoid eating 3 hours before bedtime. Also, be sure you are getting ENOUGH calories from healthy foods each day. IF you deprive yourself of calories- your body believes it's starving. As a result your body will store fat as a survival tool. If you get enough calories, your body does not feel a need to hold on to the fat.


Though it sounds like you don't have excess fat to begin with, so I don't think you should worry.



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