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Is this weird?

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Im the exact same way!!!


I am engaged to the most sexiest man alive and he turns me on and I love him so much.


When I am alone I totally get turned on by pics of naked chicks (not all though, I am very picky)


I feel so guilty.. back when we were first dating my bf knew all about this, but then we kinda forgot about it and I never said anything

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This is normal. This thread could also be under the gay and lesbian section. There's usually about 1 thread per week on there with someone asking the exact same question.


Most people think of their attractions and sexual orientation as being either gay or straight or bi. However, it's not that cut and dry and attractions lie all over a continuum.


It just sounds like you are not 100% heterosexual and I think that's normal. Most people are not 100% homosexual or 100% heterosexual, but like I said, there's varying degrees of attraction. Look up the Kinsey Scale of attraction online and it will explain a lot further on this topic. It helped me understand my sexuality and attractions.

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