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Feeling Scared at Night...

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I want to know how many other people out there feel really scared sometimes when they are out at night. For me, tonight I was sitting next to an obvious gang member who was carving his gangs symbol into the bus window, and I was quite worried about this guy (he was carving his symbol with a knife).


I usually am not too scared at night, but there are certain "bad" areas that I sometimes have to travel through, and they scare me...maybe scared is the wrong word...they concern me. My own area (where I live) is very safe, and I feel free to wonder out at any time, but in other areas, I really do feel concerned at night. Even though I am a guy, and I am tall, and really am very strong, I still feel concerned. SO I was wondering, do most other people feel this way? Or am I just worrying too much?

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Don't worry about it I_love_rain_hugs_and_you. Everyone gets concerned when put into a situation they're not familiar with or sure of. Just because you're a man doesn't mean you're not allowed to be scared.


You're certainly not worrying too much. In fact, I think that your concern when in those situations could come in handy at some point. Who knows what may happen? I'm hoping that nothing does, but still, a healthy dose of paranoia and fear is never a bad thing.



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