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I havn't spoken to my ex for 5 months

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5 year relationship...bad breakup...i have tried to call her and she is always busy and says she will call be back but never does. When i see her out she moves away from me...never comes up to me...if i sday hi she sayd hi and wlaks away. She has a new BF but he is leaving to go back to QLD in 3 months...they have been going out for 4 months.


How do i talk to her again?


She is hurting me so much, how can it turn out like this after 5 amazing years.


I have tried to call her/write letters at least 3 times over the last 4 months but no reply.


Do i just drop it and leave it up to her

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several layers here. First you cannot make her talk to you, or do anything to get her to do such. She is telling you in everyway she can without being down right rude...that you are not a part of her life right now. Of course we dont like to lose those we love, but are they wrong for wanting to move on? It is hard for you..but assume that it is hard for her as well. Not talking to you may seem mean, but she has every right to deal with her pain, in her own way.

She knows how to find you, when and if she is ready she will look you up.

time for you to work through you're own pain, and heal up that heart.

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Yah that's probably what you will have to do. The problem is though that you have not really moved on from her. I don't really know how to give advice on moving on from someone (i'm usually the heartbreaker ) but you just need to understand that to move on you will need a decent break from her completely. For a 5 year relationship, especially if it was a great one you will need months! to get over her. Staying in contact WILL prolong the process and dragging it out will only wear you down. It IS going to be hard but you can do it! Look forward to falling in love again, cause if you ask me, its the falling thats the best bit

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We have been broken up for 10 months now. I feel that she is being very rude...and she knows that she is treating me badly.


Will she ever show me any attention again.


i thought she was the one...i have been heart broken but i still am enjoying my life now. I go out, ive been dating etc. Its just hard when i see her and she ignores me. It enters my mind and makes me feel that if the girl who loved me so much once can be like that, there must be something wrong with me


I really appreciate this help...its amazing to knoe that other people care...unlike her

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She's the one with the issues mate, not you! I see my ex (who I left) almost every week and we get along great. Occasionaly she might have a cry and wonder why I left her but I'm always there for support. Mate I have no idea why she would be doing this. And you're right, something is wrong if you were totally in love for years and now she can't even talk to her. There is a slight possibility that it might be easier for her to not see you because she is suppresing the fealings she had for you and has still not worked through the breakup. Even if you're the one doing the breaking up it still hurts like hell... Other than that I don't think anyone is going to be able to give you other reasons for her behaviour. You know her better than we do and you know she isn't a nasty person on the inside. The sad thing is, you might just have to forget about her. It is a loss to you but its also her loss to lose a friend such as yourself. Sometimes thats just the way things are.

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Hey Bro,

I know its hard. I too was in a relationship for 5 yrs, and she left me for some other guy. You have to let this girl go. You have to worry about yourself and move on. See other peple don't be stupid like I was and not see other people for 2 yrs because you were still hurt. The funny thing is that l finally got a girlfriend after 3 years and things were great because I learned so much from my 5 yr relationship that has helped me in my current one.


So move one and be the best you can be and others will notice this. May be your EX will notice. You never know life has its ups and downs. As for me, My girlfriend I am currenlty with just told me that she has been talking to her EX boyfried and she has feelings for him. You can read about my story under postings by "Soul" or "My girlfrind is thinking about leaving me for her EXboyfriend" Well any way I again began to slip into depression but, I know I can't let that happen I have been through it before. So take it from me if she spent five years with you and now and she wants nothing to do with you,then maybe she is not the person you thought she was. Then she is not wotrh you putting your life on hold for. good luck to you and be strong...... Soul

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