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Feelin' Blue, Please Help

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Hi all. I'm a bit upset lately about job and boyfriend troubles and I was wondering if anyone had any words of advice. Lately I've just moved out further west from Ohio because my father got a new job. Granted I'm 23 years old but my boyfriend and I talked this over and we agreed that I should make the change for my well-being. (We also agreed to stay together). In Ohio I was feeling like nothing was happening for me.. job wise. So I moved out west. I haven't gotten a job yet... so I don't have any friends or money. And my boyfriend goes out with his friends and doesn't call me until 1am or later and I just feel so neglected. I trust him but we've talked about that before. I want to at least hear from him for like 30 seconds so I can see what he's up to before he goes out. It's just been down hill... I'm a jealous person, we've had some tough times in the past. And I'm just left up in arms when he goes and has a blast with all these friends (a lot I don't know which makes me suspicious ) and I'm home moping around. You would think I'd go out and have a good time for myself... But I don't want to go out alone. I'm scared And I have no money to go anywhere or anything. I feel so stuck and imprisoned. Does anyone have any suggestions.

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Although our situations are different, I feel I can relate, in a way...


A lot of times I feel left out too, just itching for friends to hang out with. I'm in my second year of college and last year I didn't make many friends so this year, everyone has a head start on me. And I'd be lying if I said i never get glum. I make an effor to chat people up but sometimes it still feels like other's have more mojo than I. What I usually do when I see myself starting to feel that way is work out. An intense ohysical workout always improves one's mood.


I've grown to accept that you can only control so much of your destiny when it comes to friends and social stuff. For example, I can't make any girl like me. I can talk with her, ask her to coffee but there has to be reciprocation from her. With friends, some people I hit it off with, others not.


Keeping a positive attitude is a must. that is, being able to not hate your condition. The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence, so they say. What they don't tell you is that sometimes, it may very well be. I'd reccomend getting away from the physical environments that produce these feelings


Go, and be happy

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