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What use is a number?

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The past two days that I have worked a new guy has been there. We talk and he seems nice enough. He is a few years older and probably going to college soon anyway. I wouldn't mind haning out with him. The other day he wanted my SN but I never got around to it and then today he asks me why my name isn't in his cell and I give my number to him. Now do guys just ask for the sheer knowledge of your number? I am slightly wishing sometime he does give me a call. I am over my ex and its the first time in about 2 years I have really been crushing on someone. I just was curious to whether guys only get numbers if they have intentions to use them, or if they just get them to have?

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Hi enchanter,


It is difficult to judge from what u have specified as to what may be the reason he wants ur number.....it is nice that u have a crush on him...but what abt his feelings?????

if u cud tell something abt what he talked or how he acted while asking ur no and before on ur meetings...we can discuss abt it better...


Keep posting,



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