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i donno if this sounds extremely lame but okay. yea so me and my boy friend have been going out for a while and recently he got grounded for a while and before the grounding i was completely inlove with him and i wanted to be with him every second. while we couldnt keep in touch during the grounding i learned to be with out him now that hes ungrounded i just dont feel the same connection that i did before. ive been trying to hide it but i cant because that feeling is irriplacible is this something i should tell him? should i break up with him? i really dont know what i am sapposed to do about it.





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It's because you're very young and what you had was infatuation. It feels like love but it fades very quickly. The way to know infatuation vs. love is with infatuation out of sight is out of mind. With love they're always on your mind.


I agree with Jetta.


you were able to step outside the relationship and see things from a different perspective.


have you hear the saying "love is blind" well in this case, you gained your sight when he wasnt around.

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