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Hello Everyone! Today is my first day in decideing to seriously do No Contact. My question is: is there a way to actually do NC without having to tell the other that your going to not talk to him/her for a while to get better? I think it's easier if doing no contact without saying..

However, if they call & leave a message,email, or txt do we just simply ingore the call,email,txt etc?

I don't know if hes going to call me and actually leave me a message. I know he's been calling and hanging up on my machine as I been seeing miss calls on my phone but to me if they don't leave a message how am I suppose to know I got a call,right?

What if I get a voice mail message? Do I ever call back if so, when?

Please help me, I need alot of support in order to stay strong over this!

I need help in stopping the cycle going in my head.


Advice appreciate, Thanks!

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is there a way to actually do NC without having to tell the other that your going to not talk to him/her for a while to get better? I think it's easier if doing no contact without saying..

However, if they call & leave a message,email, or txt do we just simply ingore the call,email,txt etc?

I don't know if hes going to call me and actually leave me a message. I know he's been calling and hanging up on my machine as I been seeing miss calls on my phone but to me if they don't leave a message how am I suppose to know I got a call,right?

What if I get a voice mail message? Do I ever call back if so, when?


The best way to do NC is to just do it without informing the other party of your actions, especially if THEY broke up with you.


If they call and leave a message, ignore it UNLESS you're not emotional about them anymore (I'd say 99.9% of people are emotional and should not take that call though).


If you get a voicemail message, don't call back especially if he broke up with you.


The bottom line: you can make or accept contact once you know you can handle it emotionally. If you think you're going to cry, tell them you miss them, or become emotional it's best not to take that call.

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