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What other sweet things to say to her

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So does any one know a web site or know some quotes or things like that, that you can say to your g/f to say when shes:








4.Just to say i love you


Just basically sweet things like " i love you" but in a diffirent way like. for exam-ple if she has big boobs or something and she says what was the first thing that you were attracted to when you fisrt saw me, and you say well is in it oboiuse, and she thinks its her boobs but you say your eyes. somethings like that. Thanks

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things like that, that you can say to your g/f to say when shes:








4.Just to say i love you


1. Just listen. Don't say anything. This is probably the most loving thing you can do.


2) Listen and console. Validate her feelings with a statement such as, "I understand how you can feel that way." Don't necessarily offer advice unless you're a expert at whatever situation she's dealing with.


3) Depends on what she's sad about. Death? Not much you can do except console and let time do it's job. Depressed? Get her professional help.


4) Do something unexpected - make her favorite dinner for her . . . get tickets to her favorite (insert event/concert/movie). It's all about what she likes and things that bring her joy - this is what will show her that you love her.

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Que Honda Yo se que tienes muchos problemas pero no te aguites le digo a la hyna guera que te aga sentir bien 8)


Hablas ingles?


Lo siento, pero tu necessitas hablar ingles en este foro. Es dificil para leer cuando no muchas personas hablan espanol aqui.


Oh, y bienvenidos a eNotAlone!

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