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when is a good time to ask a girl out?

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say i just met a girl in one of my class and she sits by me, should i have small talk with her before i ask her out? how long do you think is an efficient time to wait before asking her out? or should i offer to walk her to class or something first, that way we have some extra time to talk?

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Well if you already sit beside her why don't you just talk to her there. Find out what's on at the movies and ask her what she would like to see. Then ask her if she would like to go with you.


Maybe you could have this conversation walking her to her next class. However, I don't think she'd be very impressed if you were late for your class by doing it. Don't forget a girl wants a reliable boyfriend who turns up on time, so you being late for your class is not going to impress her at all.


Good luck.



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I think you should just start talking to her after class and pretend you are walking whatever direction she is. (Its worth being late) If works out a few times she will feel a lot more comfortable when you ask her out. If you ask a girl before she knows you at all it is really uncomfortable - and I know for me the answer has not always been no I have been kinda startled.

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Don't ask her for permission to walk her to class - just do it. Don't be late for your class for a female though either.


Read her body language - what is it saying? How is her eye contact? If you don't know much about it, read up.


Don't go in for the kill immediately, but don't wait forever either. After talking to her or seeing her for a few weeks, it will probably be easy to get her number since she will be more comfortable with you. You might even suggest meeting up for coffee to "study together." This tactic has worked in the past for many people I know.

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i've been in this kinda situation, i think it was a good 2 years ago, if you still besides her all the time during the lecture, then you can always play 'high scoolish' kinda games..they seem a bit kiddish but they're real fun and it kinda tells her that you dont take things too seriously all the time..

by high scoolish game, I mean writin somethin down on her notebook once in a while during the lecture or havin small 3-4 minute, written conversations about somethin funny...in fact in my case I asked my girl out for dinner and a movie on a written note while i was flirtin with her in class!(yeah i'd asked her out for coffee once before and we'd had that small date)..not that i couldnt have done it by talkin to her, but the whole idea was to do it in writin..

so here's how i did it, mayb you could adapt and improvize..after a lot of small written chitchat durin the lecture i grabbed her notebook, hid whatever i was writin with my hand(just to increase her curiosity)..and then wrote

'Dinner and a movie, friday night...Pick one?' and then made 4 checkboxes sayin

'Yes', 'Yo', 'For sure!!' and 'Hell ya'..no 'No' in them..she couldnt stop smilin whn she saw that..and she made another checkbox, wrote 'we'll see whatever we can fit, maybe we could just do a movie' and checked it...and

i wrote back 'are you askin me out..?' and that turned out to be one of the best dates i've ever been on in my life..so u get the idea? take your time and be creative...and good luck!

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