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Hello Yellowcard,


Welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am pleased to read that you like this young woman so well. I understand that you're a little shy in asking her out for a date.


My suggestion is to do as Nike says: "Just do it!!". Why? You might feel sorry for not asking her and not knowing how she evetually might have felt over you. In love there's always some risk. Risks that you have to take. There's so much to gain and to win and so little to loose. After all, all that could happen is that she might say 'No'... so what? At least you know! Still, what if she says 'Yes' and goes out on that date with you. You understand?


Just do it, Yellowcard ... you'll feel better once you have an answer. Good luck


~ SwingFox ~

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I appreciate the advice youve given me about my girl trouble, but now I feel really awkward about asking her out, I dont really know how to go about it without sounding dumb. How can I ask her out in a way that she knows i want to date her, and not just hang out.




Once again it is entirely relevant to use my quote again,


''Don't regret what u did do,

regret what ya didn't.''

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