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a question need help

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Super simplified version of my story. Married for 3 years together 5 and a half. Never fought things were great then good then a rut then she wanted out. She made things really unbearable so I kicked her out. I found my own place and moved out she is living with friends. She started seeing some other guy and I have started seeing someone else. After we separated ourthings there has been NC for 2 months except 1 email. That was basically me telling her that I missed her she emailed me back saying that she missed me too.


Yesterday I was going to mee the girl I am dating and my ex calls and says "Hey do you wan't to have coffee I have some time right now but i'm on the way to the airport later" I told her that today was a bad day maybe when she gets back from her work trip. I then left my phone at home and spent the day with my date. My ex had text messaged me while I was out asking weather " I was OK with the fact that she had called ". So by not being home I essentially ignored her message by default. What do I do? I was surprised to hear from her out of the blue

but happy to hear from her. How do i play this?

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You are doing great in my opinion. Let the ex know you are moving on with your life and she will get the message that she is not the priority any more. She must remember that you have your live to life as well. I must say i am proud of you for doing what you did. If you do however have any plans about the ex ( maybe wanting to get back together ) I suggest you don't hurt the other girl in the process. If you have no intensions of getting back together...I think you are handling things just fine!!!






Keep it up!!









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You play this the way you played it out this time. You don't break previously made plans/dates and you make plans with the ex for a later time.


She is the one that walked out so it has to come from her that she wants to try again. As long as she doesn't then there is danger she is just using you as a safety net. She has to know that you value yourself and are not at her beck and call.


Good luck!

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Thanks for the advice I'm just unsure as to if/what/how I

should reply to the text message asking if it was ok if she



I feel like if I don't respond that she will think that I am

so hurt that I can't talk to her not the image that I want

to give her.

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