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how do i get rid of my tiny belly flab?

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hello, well i have to admit, im not fat AT ALL but im not anorexicly thin either (not that i want to be) but im trying to change my life, its my last year of high school, im quitting smoking, eating well and i basically want to feel EXTREAMLEY good about myself, so i was wondering if anybody could tell me how to get rid of that tiny patch that most girls have right under their bellybutton..and also on the sides of my stomach...that would be great! thank u soo much!! bye!!

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How about sit ups and crunches?


Also, try to lay off salt... it helps us retain water and it tends to hand around our abdomens.


Unfortunately, biologicallay women have a higher percentage of body fat and a lower percentage of lean muscle, a consequence of the child bearing status.


I think quitting smoking is a step in the right direction, and then maybe a Yoga for Abs tape, or workout tape focused on working the ab muscles.


Good luck!

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The only way to get rid of fat is a good diet and lots of excercise. It doesn't matter where the fat is located. You don't choose which fat to get rid of. It'd be awesome if you did, lol.


It's my last year of high school too and it's sucking nuts (I'm gonna be starting my 4th week of school already, and it's definitively not what I was hoping for). I guess I was expecting too much, lol. Well, that's another story.


Good luck and best wishes.

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yeah congrats on the quitting smoking thing!


I have actually lost quite a bit of weight lately and my stomach and abs are getting tight and smaller again. i've been basically eatting (semi) healthy (i can't completely let the sodas go but have been eatting a salad here and there, etc.) you should start eatting breakfast lunch snack and dinner - that will help (it speeds up your metabolism) and i read somewhere that eatting berries - raspberries or blueberries help keep the bloating pouch down.


ALSO standing straight. Learn if you'r enot all ready, how to stand straight in alighnemtn and that helps. I'm about to start pilates class.


I think since youre much younger - probably just start with the standing straighter and getting the right foods in - cutting odnw on the junky stuff - but not in a crazy way you're still young and should be enjoying "junk food" while you can! just not in excess. doing crunches will help build muscles but it will not help with the pouch (i had a very defined stomach once but there was still the big pouch there).

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MOST women have that little "pooch" bellow their bellybutton and it is QUITE normal and healthy! In fact it is a biological indicator of fertility - being too thin means less likelihood of being fertile and able to carry a healthy pregnancy.


Some women do have VERY flat tummies - but these are often due to their own genetics, surgery or a VERY tough workout routine and VERY restricted diet. And I have seen some terrible surgeries (lipo) of this area as it just does not look natural! Don't forget either...many people in magazines are airbrushed.


I am a very athletic person, working out 6 days/week with about 10-12 hours of cardio (cycling), 3-4 gym workouts with weights and 4-5 yoga sessions a week, I am very fit, toned & tight, and I have always had a small roundness under my bellybutton as well as full breasts...I used to hate it, but you know, now I love it, it to me seems womanly, feminine and sexy to boot.


As a female, you are meant to carry fat in some areas, they are essential for being able to conceive and carry a child, and while you can make the best of what you have, there are some things that are just part of our nature and whom we are.

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