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How could I have been so stupid?

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So I meet a guy on the internet and we really hit it off. We meet in person and decide that we cant be apart. We move him here to be with me and start planning a wedding, things seem great for 3 months or so then Tuesday night he drives me to work and never comes to pick me up. I get home and he is gone. Moved back home, no note nothing. I search through emails etc trying to find an explanation and discover that he was fooling around with numerous other people online while i was working to support us all the while telling me he loved me and wanted to be with me forever. I just want to die, i feel so stupid. Why does this shit happen to me all the time, am I not allowed to be happy?

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Don't kick yourself for this--you are NOT the one to blame. This guy was obviously a big @$$ to begin with. Don't let one heartache like this get in the way of other possible relationships, though. My advice to you would be to take things slower next time...REALLY get to know the person before things start happening. Good luck

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Sweet talking guys know how to get what they want, and the internet is a perfect tool they use to play their games.


Once you like him it gets easier and easier for him to lie to you without you noticing. This is big trouble because next thing you know you'll believe anything he says.


My advice is never have a built up idea of who someone is after talking with them over the phone or online, and take everything they say with a pinch of salt.


If they are too quick to compliment and pick up the bills, they are probably not a gentleman so much as a player. If when you meet him he says how nice you look that's fine. If he says it every five minutes that's a for sure sign.


Use your discretion there are a lot of great guys out there but if things seem too good take things really slow. If he's half the guy you think he is he won't care.


Hope this helps.

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Actually, you two are to blame I think! You should have known him better and woah this whole wedding thing. I'm not telling inet is all fag people but well, there is alot of assholes. But apart the fact that you been so naive, its not your fault! He will surely call back if he doesn't just move on and take this like an experience in life.


I may sound rude sorry



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first of all I'm really sorry about what happened. He is an a$$hole! I can't believe someone can be so mean. I dont really have the best advice, but I think that you just need to go out and date...but take things extremely slow. You will find a guy who loves you, but you have just had really bad luck Things will all work out in the end. I hope you find someone special soon

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