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tease her yo please her


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"Boy steph, you keep trying to get into arguments with me. Your all over me. And you don't even know me. Kinda easy aren't you, going after a guy you barely know like that. And going after a guy that much older. What would that make you? But don't worry, I kinda like the attention, even though you probably do it with everyother guy."


LOL, who the hell is Steph, and that in no way is the flirting we're talking about.

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Oops, shortened your nic... guess I always that steph was a cute name. So, sue me. Fine then, why don't you give me an example of teasing then?




So basically what you are saying is that is that it has been over a year since your method has produced results? And I've had all of this in the last 2 weeks. This year you have had nothing. This year I have had girl after girl interested in me. This year you have asked for advice on here involving women. I have never asked for advice on here about women.


I'm not saying I'm a bigshot. I'm not putting you down. I'm just saying, look at the facts. Who has something to show for themselves right now?


For being perfect, we both know where not. But each others eyes we are. Her imperfections just make her better in my book. She feels the same for me. She is everything I've ever dreamed of, she's the one I love. And we compliment each other, we can take the others imperfections and help them work on it. That's love.


Fact is, whose the guy with someone?

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This year you have asked for advice on here involving women. I have never asked for advice on here about women.

So you think your bad *** because you never were curious to ask a question about women? That's like thinking your cool because you don't need help on your homework. Lol.




This year I have had girl after girl interested in me.
I've had 9 girls interested in me this year..point is its not a big deal. Thing is your 22 I'm 15, I am not yet "free" on my own so I can't just roam, meet women, etc anyway.


So basically what you are saying is that is that it has been over a year since your method has produced results? And I've had all of this in the last 2 weeks.
But I said I wasn't INTERESTED in any girls at the moment...so thereforeeee I'm not trying to get somewhere with girls, so it doesn't matter, teasing still works maybe not for you because you have no idea how it works...you pretty much from the look of it thinks its like an insult (oook whatever). It's not like I'm going to go after some random chick using teasing to prove my point lol.




Who has something to show for themselves right now?
Your not putting me down, you are bragging. I think you feel the need to brag because you have a great relationship and after all these years of barely any girls interested in you, you feel the need to "break out" lol, look if you really feel the need to -- keep it to yourself, because honestly no one cares. Sing about it in the shower .


She feels the same for me. She is everything I've ever dreamed of, she's the one I love. And we compliment each other, we can take the others imperfections and help them work on it. That's love.


Fact is, whose the guy with someone?

Ok good, but really if your going to try to persuade someone that being nice will do wonders, have more experience than one gf . Like I said earlier, sing about your gf in the shower, no one cares or wants to read it. It's like saying your rich, who gives a ****, Bill Gates is rich.


I think your trying to get me jealous over the fact you have a gf and I don't. I also think your trying to get me mad over the fact your method has worked ONE TIME and you acted on it and were successful...*un-enthusiastic yippee*. First of all, getting one gf isn't a big deal and two getting a gf with nice guy tactics one time isn't anything to show off about.



Since you've been the big guy asking all the questions, I'll ask one, did you ever have a great relationship in middle school or high school?


If any guy is under 20 consider trying my advice (more than once) just remember not to insult womens appearance whatsoever or something really personal to them or you screw up. It has to be light, not a heavy tease and said in a correct way, if you don't want to screw up look up the whole teasing thing on google. Anyway, if anyone's 20 or over consider trying ShySoul's advice (not more than once) I've been nice, nice is something you don't need to "practice" you were raised to be nice so you have pretty much "pre-mastered" it.

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heated debate...

let's just cut it here guys..

I think both your perspectives are obviously different, but if you're happy with your results then there shouldn't be anything to worry about right?

and the point is guys, we're not comparing libido here, we're all here as an advice forum to help eachother out...and come on metallica guy, lighten up honestly and shysoul, don't let other guys' techniques on attracting women bother you; if they can't figure it out for themselves, then that's their problem...

but the bottom line is, we're all here to help eachother out, not to bash eachothers' brains out....

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I actually think that both of you have your points, but you're both attackin this topic from two totally opposite points of view...


personally I like it when i can kinda of (and i stress the KINd OF) tease a girl...and when she reciprocates (or even slightly teases me, for maybe me doing something funny or stupid/funny) it actually shows that she's noticing me...

and I thnk that the term "teasing" is not a negative word where the other persons' feelings are hurt..it's like a modern way of indirectly saying "i notice the little quirks of yours, and I like you for them" while still keeping your cool...


and metallica guy, I think that the impression that you were giving off was that of disrespect for woman. I know that that's not what your trying to imply, but (this goes for both of you) lose the ego trip...

and dudes, just try to realize that yes, some girls like to be teased and be known that they are important, but while doing so, you gotta still maintain respect and know where to draw the line

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and I thnk that the term "teasing" is not a negative word where the other persons' feelings are hurt..it's like a modern way of indirectly saying "i notice the little quirks of yours, and I like you for them" while still keeping your cool...

I agree with this, but then ShySoul is going to argue and say "Why not just compliment her and say "i notice the little quirks of yours, and I like you for them", yeah it's pointless he will never understand it.


some girls like to be teased and be known that they are important, but while doing so, you gotta still maintain respect and know where to draw the line
Ok, I agree with this here, except why not make it most girls...because it's true most girls do like it, if you don't believe it, go try it more than once, all girls are not the same .
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ok, so why does it sound like you're disagreeing with me?


I just said that all girls are different...

and some like to be teased...just to be on the safe side, say some, not most (it makes you think you have a lot more liberty)...

all I'm saying is that, if you are able to be close enough with the person you like, you should be able to see if they like to be "teased" or not, whether it be some or most girls...just know when and where you can use it

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lol alright as long as we agree on something


but as far as your disagreement with shysoul..

i think I'm starting to see the problem...

like you said, everyone is different and that includes us guys as welll...

so coming from two very different backgrounds it's hard to see where the other person is coming from...

as shysoul said, he's seen heart break in relationships because of emotional abuse, and it's all about respect for his woman, and I think that's great...

and you're coming from a point where, if the girl wants to be playful and be joking with you, then teasing (i'm gonna get back to this word) is a fun, indirect way of saying "I like you"....


now teasing has taken on a very new meaning...it doesn't mean the whole "I'm putting you down bit" it simply means that you are complimenting a girl's quirk or funny action in a new joking manner...i personally think it's a fun way of embarrasing yourself and pouring your heart out over the girl and showering her with compliments (because that leaves you vulnerable to heart break)...so instead this "teasing" allows you to compliment a girl without risking as much.....I think that as the realtionship grows however, for eg. Shysoul's status....

you can be genuine and honest and shower your woman with compliments...

teasing is a friendly ice breaker to help you not look like an idiot when wanting to compliment a girl...

it's just a new step taken in order to form a relationship...

lol i hope you guys can work this debate out now that I've attempted to clear this thing up....

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I think I see where your coming from...I agree. I have to admit your pretty smart, though I have no idea how old you are lol. As for when the relationship progresses far, you can still tease, I mean I have to admit, I've done regular flirting, and the fun flirting (well what do you think it is? lol) and the fun flirting duh is a lot more fun. Teasing and compliments is good, just don't do too much of either. Teasing too much is superficial, complimenting too much is kiss ***.

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I agree with this, but then ShySoul is going to argue and say "Why not just compliment her and say "i notice the little quirks of yours, and I like you for them", yeah it's pointless he will never understand it.


I was telling Jordan this story. My girl really likes this one singer. She even has his poster by her bed. Now, I could have teased her about it. I could have said she had a problem and that she was a little obssessed. I could have pointed out this quirk and messed with her. But I didn't. That would have been predictable. Instead I used my imagination and told her that I would have to one day arrange a private concert for her. I even made it on the beach with him in shorts and a shirt. That showed I notice her fascination with the guy, this particular quirk. But it also showed that I would go to great lengths to provide her with a special and romantic evening, because she means that much to me. She saw this and helped her see how much I care about her. And she told me that while he was just a fantasy, I was the one she wanted to be next to. I can't see teasing of any sort producing that kind of result.


Teasing is wrong, plain and simple. Don't do it. Anything it can get you, you can get infinitely more without.


Wait..... I'm getting something....


You tease, she flees.... (that would look good on a T-shirt)

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this is one thing that I'm going to say and I think it's kinda going with what you say, but at the same time going with what metallica guy is saying...


I was telling metallica guy how you two come from two very different lives, thereforeeee your experiences with love are very different....

taking in what both of you are saying...I think I've found myself to be at a median with this debate....


I think that the "metallicaguy method" about teasing and whatever is appropriate if the two people in the relationship are in a palyful mood at the time...also I think it's a way of showing interest and giving compliment without the "heart on your sleeve" approach and looking like a shakespearean soft boy for telling a girl that you like her (early in a relationship, opening yourself like that can be a turn off)...


however as the relationship progresses, I think that this teasing, starts to transition into the "Shysoul method" where the couple are at a point of honesty and at a new plateau as far as spirits and emotions go...

By being honest and caring and complimenting instead of teasing, your level of genuity (being genuine, lol sorry if "genuity" isn't a word) in the relationship grows....but as I said before, if the couple are in a playful, joking mood, then a little bit of teasing is not that bad....


I think that you two are coming from two very different points in your life, and I think that that is why you two are not fully understanding eachother's position on this issue.

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Teasing is wrong, plain and simple. Don't do it. Anything it can get you, you can get infinitely more without.


Wait..... I'm getting something....


You tease, she flees.... (that would look good on a T-shirt)

Yeah Jordan_2, I'm definitely done arguing with him, he doesn't get it..my uncle is in his late 30's and he still uses teasing on his wife, not every day, every now and then, it's not like she hates it. Shysoul you just suck at it and get ****** reactions.


Jordan, I'm done arguing with him...I mean he doesn't get it....and really he's only had one gf.



I can't see teasing of any sort producing that kind of result.

It's not supposed to I'm not saying what you did right there is wrong (except for the fact it does sound kinda *** kissing) but yeah, it's not a bad thing to do that. It's just that it's supposed to be a once and a while thing.
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I'm just going to say this...

in the end, I'd rather have one loyal, loving girlfriend (and eventual wife) than a life of dead end girlfriends....so whichever you said yourself fits these criterias, you'll see where I'm coming from...


teasing is a little jump start to getting compliments out...

compliments are just a mature, more intimate way of showing a compliment to a loved one...

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I think that the "metallicaguy method" about teasing and whatever is appropriate if the two people in the relationship are in a palyful mood at the time...also I think it's a way of showing interest and giving compliment without the "heart on your sleeve" approach and looking like a shakespearean soft boy for telling a girl that you like her (early in a relationship, opening yourself like that can be a turn off)...


You want playful? Got it. Or is wrestling on the couch not playful? Or screaming along with the radio and dancing around. Not wearing your heart on your sleeve? Goldmine tip: say you are psychic and that she will get a boyfriend soon. Combined with the other flirting it makes it perfectly clear you like her but you don't have to come out and say it if your not ready. Plus its playful and fun, and you don't have to tease or say anything even remotely mean. And of course, you should just come out and say it. Why beat around the bush when you can get to the main event? And when you can get a girl laughing and smiling over peppermint hot chocolate or kung pow chicken..... thats when you know you are really good.


Most girls I know say Shakespeares romantic, why do you think there are so many versions of Romeo and Juliet? Or that you can melt a girls heart with one of his sonnets? "Shall I compare thee to a summers day...."


By being honest and caring and complimenting instead of teasing, your level of genuity (being genuine, lol sorry if "genuity" isn't a word) in the relationship grows....but as I said before, if the couple are in a playful, joking mood, then a little bit of teasing is not that bad....


Or you can be completely open, honest, and genuine from the start. That kind of behavior is needed for a relationship to work anyways, why not just start out that why? Yes, don't reveal everything about yourself in the first conversation. But take it as it comes. If she asks about something, tell her. Be nice and show you care through your words and actions. And you can do it all without teasing.


It's not supposed to . I'm not saying what you did right there is wrong (except for the fact it does sound kinda *** kissing) but yeah, it's not a bad thing to do that. It's just that it's supposed to be a once and a while thing.


If you like someone, why not let them know? It makes them feel wanted and special. When you really care about someone you want to shout it out from a rooftop and let her know what she means to you every second you can. And I don't use it all the time, we've also gotten very good at saying everything with just a look. One of our songs: "You say it best, when you say nothing at all."


Jordan, I'm done arguing with him...I mean he doesn't get it....and really he's only had one gf.


10th verse, same as the first....


Only had one gf? And how many have you had macho man? Again, what do you think sounds better, have all kinds of gf's by the time you are 15, but them not lasting any real length of time? Or having one gf that you end up with for the rest of your life cause the love that is there is strong enough to last through anything? That's romantic.


Doesn't matter. You criticized me for never having a relationship. Now you are criticizing me for only having one relationship. If I had had 7 or 8 relationships, you'd still find a way to criticize me because thats what you do. You can't honestly see anything wrong with what I'm doing, so you have to turn to attacking the person by saying I don't have experience and can't know what I'm talking about. And even when I get experience and shoot down that idea, it has to become that I don't have enough experience.

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And how many have you had macho man?
7. Those are only girls I connected with though, there's lots of girls I was interested, but yeah 7 were only the ones that had a lot of things in common with me.




If you like someone, why not let them know? It makes them feel wanted and special. When you really care about someone you want to shout it out from a rooftop and let her know what she means to you every second you can
Because, telling someone "I have feelings for you" or "I like you" is a bad way of doing it, why not just ask them out? "I like you" and other words for it is just a bad way to do it. It's always drived women away when I've done that, and I'm pretty sure its not only happened to me.


but them not lasting any real length of time?
Longest relationship I've had is 8 months, that's a pretty good length of time for being 15. There's other people that have had longer relationships than me at 15 but after 5 months, it just turned into a friend relationship for them...I mean you could tell, it seemed a lot like friends. The girls eventually broke up with the guys because they got boring I guess. Same nice guy ****. They were one of the "bad boys" when they started dating in the first 5 months, then the girl softened them up and turned them into a nice guy. Girls date bad boys for one reason being that they think they can change there ways (and one of those ways would not be teasing so don't start that **** .)


Or having one gf that you end up with for the rest of your life cause the love that is there is strong enough to last through anything? That's romantic.

How do you know your going to marry this girl? lol.





relationship. If I had had 7 or 8 relationships, you'd still find a way to criticize me because thats what you do.
If you had at least 5 decent amount of time relationships I'd respect your opinion. (Decent amount of time being 5-8 months).
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guys i'll say it again


both your "techniques" are coming from two different points in a relationship...

if you're starting out, teasing is a fun, foolproof way of complimenting, but as the relationship gets intimate, and i think that that's what you should truly aim for (i would rather have one very true, eternal, loving relationship, than 5 or so "ok" ones) then you need to be more compassionate and compliment instead of teasing...


you both are right so I don't see what you're arguing about, it's just that you're both attakcing this from two different points in a relationship

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guys i'll say it again


both your "techniques" are coming from two different points in a relationship...

if you're starting out, teasing is a fun, foolproof way of complimenting, but as the relationship gets intimate, and i think that that's what you should truly aim for (i would rather have one very true, eternal, loving relationship, than 5 or so "ok" ones) then you need to be more compassionate and compliment instead of teasing...


you both are right so I don't see what you're arguing about, it's just that you're both attakcing this from two different points in a relationship


Yep. I made this point in this thread a long time ago. Depending on where you are in your relationship with someone, a different technique and/or attitude may be more appropriate.

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