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Shaving your... *looks down*

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Okay... kind of an akward post. Also my first post on this particular board. (BE NICE!)

Anyway, so I shave... down there... but it always itches really badly! Anyone have any suggestions on how to make it stop itching? Suggestions on how to shave faster would be good too (it takes me forever)!

Anyway... sorry to make this an awkward first post. I just hope someone can help, and who knows, maybe I'll stay here for future posts too (I'm trying to find a message board kinda like this one thats right for me!)

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I sorta used to shave down there but gave up but I can tell you what helped a little bit. Lotion helped the itching sometimes. Also not shaving as much until the skin more used to it works I think....though you deal with the stubbles. Like I think you are supposed to shave only once a week or two for awhile for several months. And when you first shave you are supposed to shave with the hair, and then against it. Never do it to fast or go over the same spot over and over again.

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I get a full bikini Brazilian waxing done about once a month and the hair gets finer and easier to remove. There are some areas around the vaginal lips themselves that I still scream "OUCH!!!" (to myself) when the clinician rips off the wax-but I'm always happy I did it after-it is amazingly smooth.

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I use an oil called Shave Secret that you use to shave with and after. I got mine at WalMart and it works gr8! Make sure not to use a dull razor and try not to over shave an area. At first it really itches, but once your skin gets used to shaving there the itching will stop. As for speeding up the shaving process, once you get used to it and more comfortable, it will go as quickly as shaving your legs. Although it can be a hassle sometimes, I don't think I will ever not shave *down there* again...I love it 8)

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Use a sharp new razor.. and do it after a soak in the bathtub.. to open up the hair follicles and smooth skin. Just like shaving your legs things are smoother after a bathe. And the above products are good.


Here's an article on waxing.. lol. Enjoy the read.. I do intend to get this right.. and maybe get the nerve to go get it done.. no big deal.. its not like they haven't seen one before.. never understood that. Feel that way about the gyno too.. not embarrassed at all. Its the rip factor from the brazzilian wax that I'm worried about..


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Good luck..

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I used to have the same problem, but eventually it went away. Shave often- every couple of days, because it's easier to shave when the hair is very short. Make sure you shave with the grain, not against it, or it will get itchier and irritated easier. Replace your razor regularly to keep it sharp. After shaving, try using baby powder to stop the itch, that sometimes worked for me. All these things should help with the itching problem. Good luck!

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  • 1 year later...

I want to know too! I`ve tried shaving and plucking (that took two whole afternoons locked inmy room lol). I hate the itchiness with shaving, also cos it grows back so quickly. I bet waxing would get the smae smoothness as plucking. But I also get red spots where the follicles are, it looks comical, plus ingrown hair...How often do you go to a clinic befoe it starts grwing back?

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my boyfriend got me this shaver called the "Hair Erazor"...it's one of those "intimate shavers"... anyway, as long as the hair is short to begin with (you shaved the day before)... it works great... no razor burn/itch... just do it once every other day or so... it only takes a couple of minutes. i'm not sure where he got it... but on the shaver it says "link removed" so maybe there? I HATE shaving down there and this makes it a little more tolerable.

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How do you shave the lips? it's hard for me, I can;t reach all the way down there and get everyhair, how do you do it?


for me, i use the shaver i mentioned above... it really gets EVERYTHING... not trying to promote a product but holy crap it works amazingly... i was so surprised. I was never able to reach down there either. with this thing, you dont have to worry about cutting yourself either, which is nice.

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