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I never said the majority of people. I said offhandedly many people.

if one out of ten people are like that that can count for many people.

I know a lot of good people. And yes, men are just as bad, which I never said differently. Statistically a significant portion of both genders will lie, cheat on, abuse their partners, or are primairly interested in either money or tyhe best looking with less consideration to personality or character.

I do not share your faith in humanity. I think there are many good people. But they are surrounded by a lot of excrement that also poses as good people.

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Often how we see other people is a reflection of how we see ourselves.


We justify our own behaviours or beliefs by applying them to a greater population of people.


I just think that as I said before, if you truly believe a "significant" portion of the population does this (men and women) you truly need to look at the environment YOU choose to be in and the people you associate with.


People often fault bad luck with the wrong men and wrong women, always ending up with cheaters, or commitment phobes - yet rarely do they look at their OWN actions in choosing those people, or in getting themselves involved in those situations.

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Hope actually I got my data from a psychology class (three) that estimated from statistics around 70% of men and 40% something of women reported cheating in their lifetime. (I personally think the figure of would be cheaters is much higher)

What am I exaggerating?

I presume you act like we define many as the exact same thing since you are so vociferously arguing against my point of view of the term many people.

I don't necessarily hang around any specific sort of people.

Finally instead of calling my statement stupid (calling it obtuse is the exact same meaning) and ignorant because it offends you maybe you need to have more of an open and less emotional/sensitive mind set and think about what I am saying.

To dismiss my experiences as all purely coincidences or that I am lying is a really convenient way to not ponder the feasibility of my argument.

The reason why you are so hostile to me is that you are afraid there might be some truth in what I am saying.

Odds are fairly high I have experienced a far greater range of things than most people. Ah and no I haven't been burned by that meany people in my life. My last relationship was five yrs and we remain best friends. Of course even if I had it wouldn't invalidate my argument.

Nice...failed attempt to hurt me...

Finally ray, I made it quite clear I don't closely associate myself with most of the cheaters, players and liars I have met.

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