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Please read, It kept me up all night!

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Last night I went to a party, a HUGE party, and me and my buddy went to another party to pick up one of our friends (who's a girl). She was at one of our other friends party, who was having all girls over.


Yes, my ex was there. We didn't even speak to each other, I'm friends with mostly all the girls and they all were excited to see me, they all came up to me and hugged me and stuff, and my ex just stood there.


Then we said we will take a few girls for a ride in his car, and my ex ran out when she saw all the other girls come out. She didn't even put her shoes on.


After the party, I was home, and she and her friend were on msn.. and were drunk. They asked how my night went, and we talked for a bit.

Then I asked her friend if she wanted to come over one night this week for a little get together. Then I said to my ex "you can come if you want"

aand she said "ok thanks".


I have no idea what to do! She told her friend that she would choose logan over me, and then she said she didn't know. So why is she still talking to me? She said to her friend she didn't like me like that, but yet.. I still get the biggest vibe from her, that she does.


I get the feeling that she is holding onto me, in a way... because she doesn't know what she feels. She tells her friends she misses me, and constantly brings me up in their conversatins, but when asked, she denies liking me.


What can I do, so that if she likes me... she'll act on it. And if she doesn't like me, then she won't act on it. What sort of move do I make? Do I say anything along with it?

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This Logan guy, is about 2 years younger than her.. not even 14 years old!

I know that if she hooked up with him, she'd get bored quick because his mom isn't very supportive when it comes to girlfriends.


And in a few months i'll have my license and can drive anywehres I want.


Also, She told her friend this, let's call me .. R.


"I wonder if R would mind if when he has people over, I bring logan, and we do stuff in R's bed".


My ex doesn't know I know any of this! I feel like saying to her


"how can those words even come out of your mouth, and then turn around and have a decent conversation with me, you're so disrespectful, and you're just causing me headaches now.. maybe when you mature, you'll come around, until then... im gone."

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The first thing is to get you head around the fact that she is not good for you and probably never will be. Once you have accepted that in your mind then just have nothing more to do with her. Tell your friends you don't want to hear about what she is doing or who she is seeing. If you see her be polite but aloof, and move away from her as soon as possible.


The next thing after you have got over her is to find another girlfriend. One who treats you a lot better than she has.

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