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A girl that flirts with multiple guys


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I just met this girl who is my sisters friend last weekend. She smiled at me, gave me the signs that she was interested in me. So my sister informed me that she would be at the bowling alley tonight with other friends.


We all went to a bowling alley tonight. Anyway, she instantly recognizes me, hugs me while im playing in the arcade, smiles at me etc.and I noticed that she seems to flirt with not only me, but with this other guy, but I think that was her ride to the alley.


It seems to me that I shouldint take this girl seriously or even ask her out if shes going to be touchy feely with other guys at the same time. before she left with her male friend, she mentioned about coming over to my place some day, since its only next door to my moms/sisters place.


My sister asked what i thought about her, i said I think she was just a flirt. My sister swears the girl is not dating the other guy, but I question that. Maybe shes not looking for a relationship?? im the only one being serious here?? Im confused...Im new at this social stuff so bear with me.

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Hmm.. to be honest, it sounds as if she is just a flirt, like you said. She probably really isn't dating the other guy, but is incredibly touchy feely with all guys -- I know girls like that. I wouldn't take this girl too seriously, but I wouldn't totally shirk her out of the picture. It could be she just got out of a relationship or is just flirtatious when looking for a guy to date. If you want to see if she's serious or not, you need to see her a couple more times, hopefully in less social situations. It would be a good tell-tale to see how she acts with you individually. From there you could probably better gauge what type of person she is and if she's looking for a relationship. Don't be too pessimistic.

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if she flirts with you, and you only, she's interested in you.


If she's flirting with every random guy in front of you, but not with you, she's trying to make you feel jealous (at least sometimes).


If you're one of the guys she flirts with (notice, she flirts with others too), you're nothing special to her - you're just one of the guys she flirts with.

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I think the easiest way is finding out from your sister. If her friend is just playing with you, I doubt your sister would want you two to date. Just keep the door open and get to know her better first. She could be flirting with everyone to show that she is attractive. You should give her some signs before she thinks you're not interested at all.

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If you're one of the guys she flirts with (notice, she flirts with others too), you're nothing special to her - you're just one of the guys she flirts with.


Thats exactly how I felt, like I was just another number.


My sister wasent too happy with me. She felt I was being antisocial. She thinks that I played on the video games too much that night while everyone else was bowling. I didnt feel comfortable trying to get some girls attention who seemed to be already attached so I simply kept myself busy the rest of the night. (im pretty good at that)


BTW my sister said she wasent riding with this guy, it just really appeared to be that way, and that she was happy to see me thinking I was like some famous person. whatever.

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I find that guys always tend to take smiling and eye contact as signs of definite interest. This isn't always the case and I'd advise you to refrain from expecting more than friendship from a woman who doesn't seem to be showing you anything more than friendliness. I'm a very friendly person and smile at most people, male or female.


If she's flirting with every random guy in front of you, but not with you, she's trying to make you feel jealous (at least sometimes).


Please don't take this the wrong way, but I feel that this is an over-simplification of female behaviour. Some women (and men for that matter) are outgoing and naturally flirtatious with people. This doesn't automatically mean that they're trying to make you jealous or playing with your head. It's probably just not that deep.


The only real way to know whether or not a woman is interested in you is to ask her out directly or spend more time with her. Looking at a girl accross a room, analysing her body language and how she is with other people is a poor way to get to know someone. If you like her, get in there. Who cares if shes flirting with some other guy? Go show her that you're better.

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  • 1 month later...


If she's flirting with every random guy in front of you, but not with you, she's trying to make you feel jealous (at least sometimes).


Please don't take this the wrong way, but I feel that this is an over-simplification of female behaviour. Some women (and men for that matter) are outgoing and naturally flirtatious with people. This doesn't automatically mean that they're trying to make you jealous or playing with your head. It's probably just not that deep.


of course it's a simplification and generalization, there's not much more anyone can offer through a forum. If a girl has never showed any signs of interest to you and doesn't even know your name etc. and she seems to flirt with everyone, it's nothing, obviously. However, if she's not naturally flirtatious and suddenly starts it and flirts in front of you with every random guy and she doesn't do it when you're not around.. then it starts to mean something.



What comes to guys taking smiles and eye contact as signs.. there's smiles and then there's smiles.. there's big difference between flirty eye contact/smile and friendly eye contact/smile. Also, you don't show friendliness by glancing accross the room and smiling.. or do you?

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whoa I can't blame 1899 for not wanting to persue this girl either... One thing if all she was flirting with was YOU.. but she's flirting with another guy enuf to make you think she's riding home with him... beware.. i think she's just looking for ego boosts myself!~

I don't trust people who flirt with multiple people while those people Are all visible in front of each other....

it sounds like she's just a flirt to me too..... i once went out with this guy who proceeded to flirt with like ALL THE ATTRACTIVE women in the whole place, even the 22 year old waitress who took our order & she was old enuf to be his daughter... i felt VERY uncomfortable too on that date, i don't blame you for hiding in the video games area.... at least you had that option 1899.. i had to hang out with this guy all nite while he fed his ego by flirting with every girl who caught his eyes.

It was so obvious to everyone, even the guys in the audience that as we were leaving, this one creepy short guy tried hitting on me.. he didn't even think I was this guy's date!~ And my date was over 6 feet tall..


Find someone who concentrates on you & you alone...

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Well unfortuantly I fell for the trap of trying to ask her out......


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I always wondered why she was quiet only when its just me and her. Now I clearly see that she just uses guys for her ego boost. But thats the last time she will use me.

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1899, that is a red flag when she's all quiet and shy around you. Especially since you know how aggressive she was in approaching you. However, if she wasn't the one to do the approaching, maybe you could assume she really is shy and that she likes you. Sometimes, the prettiest people do the ugliest things...like Kanye West said lol.


But like I said, she wasn't worth it. You can find better...just look for someone you consider beautiful on the outside, with an interior to match. And don't feel sorry for yourself, because she's nothing special, well not with that sort of behaviour..and you really didn't miss out on anything.

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1899, that is a red flag when she's all quiet and shy around you. Especially since you know how aggressive she was in approaching you. However, if she wasn't the one to do the approaching, maybe you could assume she really is shy and that she likes you.


I'm going to disagree here a bit, if she's shy around you.. then it's good. However, if she's just quiet and not shy - not really good. I mean, if she's shy and quiet, it's because she likes you. If she's just quiet, she doesn't find you interesting. If she is really aggressive person who can flirt with anyone and is really outgoing and could flirt with you as well and be really open with you when you were in group.. and then suddenly when you're alone, she's quiet.. she's not shy, she just doesn't find you interesting.


If you approached her and she's quiet, not really good. If you approached and she's shy.. then she's just shy.


And those were generalizations again. All this is quite case specific obviously.

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1899, that is a red flag when she's all quiet and shy around you. Especially since you know how aggressive she was in approaching you. However, if she wasn't the one to do the approaching, maybe you could assume she really is shy and that she likes you.


I'm going to disagree here a bit, if she's shy around you.. then it's good. However, if she's just quiet and not shy - not really good. I mean, if she's shy and quiet, it's because she likes you. If she's just quiet, she doesn't find you interesting. If she is really aggressive person who can flirt with anyone and is really outgoing and could flirt with you as well and be really open with you when you were in group.. and then suddenly when you're alone, she's quiet.. she's not shy, she just doesn't find you interesting.


If you approached her and she's quiet, not really good. If you approached and she's shy.. then she's just shy.


And those were generalizations again. All this is quite case specific obviously.


Well for the most part those generalizations are accurate . I agree with the above .

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