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prayer for those with ADD

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I can't believe it's taken me this long to realize why I have so many problems with my prayer life. But it has. Realizing I had ADD let me address issues I had with school work and timliness and organization... the usual things you think of that are affected by ADD. But I just realized that it's the cause of my trouble with prayer too. I feel overwhelmed by the aspect of having one-on-one time with God just because I have so many thoughts and emotions and everything else running through my head at once. I can't focus on prayer and after 2 seconds my mind is elsewhere and I feel as if I've insulted Him. I can't keep a single train of thought. I'm not even sure if praying out loud would make it better.... I would probably just feel more uncomfortable than I already do when I pray.


I would try drugs but you would not believe how hard it is to get a psychiatrist to take your ADD seriously when you hadn't been previously (as a child) diagnosed. They think you just want amphetamines. But no, it just seriously took this long to figure out. Bright girls with ADD do not get diagnosed because they still manage to do all right in school. Sigh. Sometimes I just wonder how much easier studying and other things would be if I had some way to control it. I also believe it's the source of my depression (I am on an antidepressant) or could be why I was diagnosed as bipolar once upon a time...

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