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Let me start by saying that I am 19 and have only danced with a girl once. I would like to go to more dances and get more comfortable dancing with girls but my problem is that I don't know how to dance really and I feel kind of awkward about the idea of getting close with someone I don't know at a dance. I know dances aren't supposed to have strings attached but I see a slow dance as a kind of intimate thing. I suppose all my skills with women woll develop as I take baby steps. I am quite comfortable now talking with girls on a normal, friendly conversational basis. But, nothing has developed beyond that so I still only have pointers people have given me about asking girls for coffe and that stuff. Any ideas about how I can approach the dancing issue with greater ease?

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I've heard that SALSA dancing can be a good way to dance with women - there are usually Salsa classes in most every city/country in the West!

You get to hold onto a woman tenderly, and so by that nature the women there will not be those frightened to get close.

It follows that you could probably develop a relationship with a woman there.

Finding the confidence to actually go to one and not feel like a total reject is another matter (like me

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