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Confused, super short.. - reply please.

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I just put this into here because I didn't know where else to put it.


My ex started talking to me tonight, and then I start chatting her up.. and then she just starts answering, yep, cool, wicked... etc.


She was the one that talked to me though, what's up with this?

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I'm strong enough to know that I can move on without deleting her or shutting her out completely.

Meaning, if a girl came into my life right now, I would NOT hesitate for a second to start something with her. I am not caught up on my ex, but I still find her behavior weird.


It's really difficult for me to post now, just about my curiousities because everyone knows my story too well, and will base their advice souly on what they know. There's much more behind the scenes that I don't fill you in on.


If I were to say that this was my friend that was doing this, you would have just replied normally, I see where you're coming from though. That's understandable.


I am just wondering why she does this? We don't talk nearly as much as we used to.. (which is only good).. but how come when she initaited the conversation with me, she was so vague.. with one word answers.

It gets annoying sometimes.

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lol ughhh the exes! well if you say it really isnt that much of an issue then great at least you dont need to bust your brain about it. but i know it still leaves you wondering. well she could just wannna get back to friend mode, and wanted to see how the converstaion went. i mean was she ever the talkative type? if she was then it does seem odd that she would initiate converstaion and then bbe very bland. she couldve just wanted to tlak to you but didnt know what to say. she could POSSSSSIBLY sort of like you again or something or maybe something just made her wanna talk. see if anything else happens. but really ppl do things for no reason. and the ex is someone who you can never understand.

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If this was a random poster my normal reply would be "she broke up with you right? Move on and don't worry what her messages say and try to find clues to things --look at her actions. She is not asking to get back together and that's what you need to focus on. I don't find it weird that she was responding with one word answers. She seemed to not want to talk with you after awhile...even though she messaged you first. "


I do know your story and I have to disagree. You apparently cannot move on without deleting her from your life...at least I don't see that happening.

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