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okay, my bf keeps wanted me to try it on my self to see if I like it, hes into the whole back end view. I was wondering for those who have done it, wouldnt there be like poop invovled, I mean that is a place were it hangs out pretty much, just wondering how you avoid that or what goes on?

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Well I've done it a few times and I've never had any problems like that. But, I have heard that some people do.


I suggest that you do not let him 'loose' straight away! What I mean is get him to use a finger at first. And make him take it easy!!! You need a lot of lubrication! If you don't it's going to hurt a lot because of friction. I have heard that some girls get 'piles' from doing this. But with loads of lubrication it should be ok. (I'm not sure what the best lube is?)


Before he inserts anything you must make the sphincter muscles move like you would to initiate going to the toilet. This is very important!



****Give me a few minutes and I'll be right back! ****

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Just found this on one of the other postings!



Me and my bf have been dating about 2 and a half years and he has convinced me to have anal sex. And a few weeks ago i posted how to make it go in easier. Now i want to know is it normal for stuff to come out afterwards or is there something i can do it clean it out better or something.. i felt really embarrassed even though he didnt seem to mind or anything but i wasnt sure if that was normal???



***There's loads more stuff on anal. You just have to look through it.


Go to Forum Index. Look at top of the page for Search


Put Anal in top right box and off you go!


I was trying to find a posting with a website mentioned but it'll take a long time. I'll keep trying!



Keep me informed.


Good luck.



P.S. Make him wear a condom. There's always a small chance sperm can pass to vagina! You don't want to get pregnant.

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Just found this!


Again, wear protection, and also "loosen" her up with fingers or toys beforehand. You can't just go in without getting her relaxed first else she'll never enjoy it and it will hurt her.


Anal is definitely different, but by no means is it like "wow, this is 100x better than vaginal sex!". I'd say that the taboo nature of anal is what drives it because most of the stimulation is at the base of your penis or where ever her anal ring is clenched at the time (sorry for graphic nature, but it needs to be discussed). There isn't too much head stimulation compared to vaginal or oral. My ex loved to get into the bad girl theme of it by saying stuff like "I've been a bad girl so daddy has to pound my a**"... You get the idea. I think that aspect of it was what was more entertaining rather than the actually sensation of it.

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I am a woman who really really gets excited by anal...women also have very sensitive nerve endings in the region - not a prostate, or at least ot one named so my doctors, but there are sensitive bundles of nerves that are stimulated by anal sex. I have extremely powerful orgasms through anal, even without other stimulation.


I think to say it would lose its "apppeal" is not really appropriate, considering many women do it because it IS appealing and enjoyable once you get past the initial fears.


As to the original poster...generally it would not happen. Though it COULD if your stools were perhaps softer, and lower down then normal. Best way to prevent this is make sure you are "cleaned out" by having a bowel movement earlier in day, or some people even do enemas, though I don't really recommend it in general!


I agree absolutely on using LOTS of lube, and foreplay, and relax. It can be painful at first if you don't relax and take it slow until your muscles in there relax and adjust..don't forget to breathe!


Also, use a condom. The anal tissue is very delicate, and its easier to transmit disease and infection from one partner to the other. Also, I would not recommend he ejaculate inside you in general, as that can be "messier" as it can cause some weird reactions inside there and some bad leakage...just so you know


Some women like it, some don't - some men like it, some don't. The only way you know is to try it really....both of you must be patient at first though, the first few seconds can be painful your first couple times, and he must go slow and hold when you ask him to before proceeding.

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