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does NC really work?

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I tried NC for 7days, after a week of NC he called me . I didn't want to answer the phone at first but I did anyway. He said that he missed me and wanted to see me soon and was wondering why I haven't been calling him. I broke NC and started calling him again and now he's being a jerk again. Should I try NC again?

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Yeah, NC works. IF you keep it up for a while and IF your goal is to get over a person. If you're trying to win him back, then I don't know. Anyway, why who says he wants to talk to you one minute and misses you and then the next minute acts like a jerk? Find someone more consistent.

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How much more simpler can I put it. Nothing works, or is better for you than NC. And if you are afraid he/she will forget about you, guess what.. through time, you will forget about them too. And guess what else, THERE IS NOTHING THAT FEELS BETTER, than to forget about them and move on to something else that is much more worth your time.

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NC works depending on what you want to get out of it. I think it works great if you want to get over someone completely, but I'm not so sure it's a great method for "getting someone back" because no matter how well you do NC that person might never come back. Did NC fail in that case? Maybe, but only because you allowed yourself to stay emotionally vested in something that was gone to begin with.

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I didn't read any of the replies, except for a line of Vert's. Which he's correct.


If you're planning on using NC to get him back, than chances are you should use another method because like I said in another post, it's not a miracle drug.


You can't expect to use these emotional healing tactics like potions, so everything magically *poofs* back to how you want it to be.


NC is used for YOU. So YOU heal. It has nothing to do with anyone else. It obviously works... Think of it logically, if you meet someone, and then never talk to them again in your life, 30 years later you will not be into them, obviously.


But, if you spend those 30 years wallowing in self pity, and wanting them back every second, even though you're not talking to them.. it won't.

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