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He thinks I don't love him! Please, HELP!

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Ok, my boyfriend and I have been together for 7 months now. We've lived together for 4 of those months. Since the beginning we've been inseperable. We've talked about marriage and we both seemed to want to spend the rest of our lives together. About 3 months ago he found out something that I've kept from him. You see, I'm 19 and he's 25. We were raised completely different and he has totally different views on things. Well, he found out my secret and hasn't been able to trust me since. He loves me, so we stayed together. I didn't want to hurt him, and never do. Honestly, everything I've done that's hurt him, I didn't know I was doing something wrong. I didn't know how he felt about certain things that I do. Well, everything had been going great, until 2 weeks ago. We saw my aunt in the grocery store and she gave me a hug. When she hugged me she said I just saw your ex. I didn't even think about it and I said "Where?". Now, this seems like a typical question to me. But my boyfriend thought that means I still have feelings for my ex. I don't... and I haven't for over a year now. I know where he's coming from in thinking that I still have feelings for my ex.


Now I relationship is on the rocks. He goes to work everyday and all he thinks about are the bad things that I've done to him. He says that after he saves up money he's going to move out. Yet, when we're together everything is fine. We make plans to do things in the future, we laugh, and everything is normal. Yet, I sit at work everyday and have panick attacks because I think I'm going to go home and he won't be there. He said that if I can prove my love to him, he'll stay.


I need help! I've racked my brains for something that I can do to prove my love. He doesn't notice the little things that I do for him. So I need something big. He's my soulmate. I know that if he leaves me I'll never get over him. I love him with all my heart and soul. I just need to prove it. Words don't work with him, it has to be action. And I'm all out of ideas. PLEASE HELP!

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Ask him how can u prove that u really love him, what he wants u to do. And then do it if u can. I had something like that in my relationship. I've made a big dicision about my life and when i told my bf about it he asked me if i can not to do this for him. So i thought for few days, and he already stoped asking me not to do that. Then i called him and said that i won't do it. And he said i can do it coz it's my decicion he only wanted to check how much i love him. And he saw it. Good luck.

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