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theres this girl who i like and i think she likes me.but she gets mad @ me very easy she thinks im a bad person because i laughed when i saw a girl fall down a flight of steps.i find that when i ignore her she is always in my face and asking me questions.i really like her and i dont want her thinking im just a big over grown ox that doesnt know when 2 be serious.how can i show her that im a really nice person and i will never do her wrong

a thug changes and love changes and best friends become strangers!!!
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Hey man, Don't beat yourself up 'bout that situation with the laughing 'cos it's freakin' funny when ppl fall and hurt themselves!

What you should do is to find out where you "have her". She will not go for the "I'm a nice guy routine" if you're the one telling her, she have to figure that out by herself!. There are tons of ways to do this i.e. follow an old lady accross the street, help elderly people out. Show respect to everyone around you, whatever they do!. Don't buy her gifts, that will only result in that she constantly want more of them. On a special occation you could buy her flowers, there are several different flowers for different occations ( you'll find info about that on the web ) Be nice to her, and smile a lot, girls dig smiles!

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