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To talk or not to talk=?

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I am going to be really honest here and say that I am afraid to talk to people. Like it scares the crap out of me. It's like this weird thing where if I want to talk to people I become afraid that I will become afraid. I mean that if I go to talk to someone I start thinking about how I will not be able to keep eye contact and I might blush, or I will get nervous and say something I don't mean to say (to be more accurate, I say things in ways I don't mean to say them) or any other sign of shyness that could come to your mind.

I have tried many things and though some of them have worked a little bit I am still not able to start conversations with people easily, and most of the time I never start them at all.

Can anyone help me, please? Any advice or any tricks that help? I have tried many of them, and I know some them work, but I need something that will help me in the long run.

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I am the same way. I have major social anxiety (but havent been diagnosed yet). I'm going to see a pshychologist soon. I am gonna be a sophomore in High School and I will have no friends, just like last year. And the year before. I sit alone at lunch all the time. I have absolutly zero friends because I dont have good social skills and because I HATE talkint to people. I dont know what to do.. like look them in the eye? Or stare down at tehir shoes? I dont know. I know exacly how you feel. You probably have it better then me though, you probly have friends.

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Seeing a therapist is a good idea. Social anxiety disorders are very real, and very common, and they can be treated painlessley by professionals. I know it might seem like there is something wrong with you, but the truth is that it's all psychological stuff; associations and conditioning and reinforcements. Talk to a counselor or therapist about it, and you will feel much more confident.

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Thank you for all your replies. I have been thinking a lot since I wrote this last night and I have realized something I didn't want to realize- I have a void in my life and I have been trying to get other people to fill it. I kept telling myself that if I had more friends and/or a girlfriend that it would make me happy. I don't believe this is true.

Instead of going around always trying to make friends, I am going to work on filling that void in my life. And hopefully friends will follow.

danigurlx90x, I suggest you do the same. Try different clubs and interest groups and sports *that require you to leave your home* Stop looking for other people to make you happy and make yourself happy, by keeping busy with things you enjoy. If you're not really sure what you enjoy, don't worry. I don't either, but I'm going to go find out.

Again, thank you everyone. You really helped me get something off my chest.

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