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Hung out with my ex tonight

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Ok, I hung out with my ex tonight. She broke up with me about 4 months ago, and told me she wanted to be friends still. I told her I had enough friends, and I went NC on her for a while. I randomly bumped into her about 3 weeks ago. We talked for about 10 min. and she said she'd call me. Over the past 3 weeks, she's called me about 4 or 5 times, and I called her only once (I don't know why I called, I was just lonely). She said that she wanted to see my new apartment, so I invited her over tonight to check it out.


She came in and I showed her my new place. We then went out to grab a bite to eat and a drink together. I stayed upbeat the entire time. I was also flirting quite a bit, although I got the impression she was a little hesitant to flirt back. We talked for a while, and then she left to go home. When I walked her to her car, I kissed her on the cheek, gave her a hug, and told her I'd talk to her later. I think it went about as well as it could have. I wasn't expecting her to fall into my arms, but it was a step forward.


What should my next move be though? I am not expecting this to be something that happens in a day, a week, or even a month. I just want the girl I love back. When we hang out, it's like we fall back into our old rhythm. But I could tell in conversation that whenever it came to a pause, where I would normally try to kiss her, she became a little withdrawn. So I could tell she was a little nervous that I would try to kiss her. I didn't try, but do you think I'm wasting my time talking with her. What should I do next?

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hey. well i dont know the FULL BACKROUND but i know the ex relationship thing. and look the only thing you can do is go with the flow. no pushing no utlimate flirting if shes not reciprocating. and honestly try and keep your hopes down. i know thats really weird advice but ive realized the BEST THING TO DO in these situations is tell yourself its OVER ITS NOT A RELAITONSHIP ANYMORE and just focus on moving on. if it happesn great and if not at least you're not still at square one the day after breaking up. so right now its obviously somewhat getting back there if she starts fliritng back then let that happen do it for a little while see how things are going start brining up the past see what she has to say. (ive gone through this!!) for example you could ask "so do you ever wish we were still together?" just randomness based on your relationshp. and if things are going well then talk about where you guys stand and if you should give it another shot. i mean my ex and i had just randomly started spending hourssss together after school and stuff and flirted like CRAZZZZZY and then after like a good month we're like well yeah i still like you i like you so what now? and we're like well lets give it another shot....so dont push i mean i reallly didnt expect that to happen. remember that you guys broke up for a reason

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I think she is interested but wants to build a strong friendship foundation first. I obviously have no idea about the previous relationship she had with you. But I think she wants to be around or she wouldnt call and she wouldnt wana hang out. Just take it slow, and give her time to feel comfortable. Shes jumping from the known to the unknown and back to the known. Just dont come on too strong, shes not too sure about you yet. Treat her like a queen, love her with all u have, but keep ur distance. itll turn out great.

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